

My first flight after corona outbreak
Mask - checked ✔️
Sanitizer - checked✔️
Hand gloves - checked✔️
PPE kit - checked✔️
Face shield is provided in the flight and now I am ready to fly without worries. I wish that was true. I was freaking out with all the negative thoughts of dying any moment after reports are positive. No, nothing will happen, my other self said.
With the shaking confidence, I boarded the flight. They took my temperature with that thermal cameras which made me judge my body. All people were wearing masks and some of them were wearing PPE kits like me, psycho ones may be. Yes, I consider myself a bit psychotic when it comes to hygiene. This OCD problem makes me hate people for coughing and sneezing. They do feel offended but I can't control this disorder.
When I reached to security check, I was looking at the masks and gloves of every official there. I thanked god that they were wearing both.
Now comes the boarding part. I boarded flight with utmost precautions. Covering myself was fine, I didn't touch anything either. Although it is difficult to avoid it completely but I tried my level best.
There is no food or water in the flight, I knew that and was happy with it.
What made me a bit furious was the impatient people. Even after announcing ample times that while de-boarding, you need to go one by one, almost everybody got up and made the plane's aisle look like a jam packed bus. While I was sitting and thinking about my fate, someone coughed and I was dead, almost dead with heart attack. I could see Corona Virus flying and coming towards me.
I gathered all my courage and got up to take out my luggage from the cabin but only after most of the people had left.
I don't understand why people don't take the safety measures seriously. If they had taken, it would have been much easier to travel and in this lockdown.
Now it's been few days and I am fine, so it means I am alright which in turn makes me feel immensely happy and proud of myself that I successfully completed the first flight after Corona outbreak.

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