

Had enough to last a life time
She held on to the fragile branch with a death's grip as the roaring water threatened to drag her away.
She gasped, the bubbling swirls entering her mouth. There was no hope left for surviving. The negative thoughts lived in her head day by day.
Should she leave her family behind because of her lack of self worth?
Is she ever going to be good enough for the people she loves?
Will she be missed?
What would they say about her if she chose another way?
Good things ?? Bad things?
All these questions haunt her. From her past to her future.
She may regret it, she not may not because her emotions are gone.
She wants to be heard. Understood.
It's feels like her life is a constant battle with herself and others.
Life breaks her down. People wear her down mentally. Another option seems better than this. She is tired of fighting. Tired of trying. She wants to be free but wants to give up.
What should she do? She feels like she's getting no where. She is screaming for help in her head. Her mouth won't let her. She is more afraid of people's answers and just don't care if they are honest or not. Relationships feel like failures. Hope is running out. Patience is running thin. Her soul is grieving and trying to grow. Just feels like no matter how hard she tries it's never enough.