

The Night seems cool today and fresh...right in the middle of it; I'm awake!
Yeah, yeah, yeah, i know. I'm not supposed to be awake at this time, especially when i know i have class tomorrow. Wait, i don't think i should call it tomorrow, should i?. Hmm, let me think...for a simple second.. Is it?
"Wait, what's the time exactly?"
Cause i just woke up a moment ago and the moonlight seems to be shining in my room since i forgot to close my window before i slept off.
Yeah, i had turned off the light in my room but what's the time.
Still laid on my bed, i stretched my right hand to my little stool beside my bed and i picked up my phone
"Yeah, Gotcha!"
As a cool smile appeared on my face
Ah, you maybe wondering... Why the cool smile?
Well, it's that kind of smiles that comes up when you just handled something in a moment of difficulty.
Come on, it was kind of difficult here
Yeah, I'm right...it is dark in here. Though, the moon played it own part. Yeah, God did it all. Even in the small tiny stuffs we think we are doing, He is actually the One working through us. Our God is Awesome.
As i looked at the time in my phone and i saw 12:34AM
"Wow, it's midnight...Well, who could have known?"
Then i stood up in the dark then i put on my phone torch (since i don't just want to switch on the light~indicating I'm awake!) and began walking out of my room because i want a cup of water to drink.
Well, it is not that i needed the cup of water right now but i want the water.
Well, i know nothing.
As i walked towards the parlour, i saw a picture of my dad laid on the dining table.
I paused, held the photo in my hand and just smiled.
Yeah, staring at his cool smile in the photo. Though, i love my mum but he's my favourite. I miss him so much. He was supposed to return home this week but he hasn't yet... I honestly don't get why the delay but anyway... That's that.
As i dropped the photo on the dining table.
It's afternoon!
And I'm returning home from another stressful day at school 'men, they got to just give me a break!'.
As i walk close to the door of my house to open the door, i immediately saw a police car parked at the rear view of the house. And i could see the man in it staring at me. I quickly said in my mind 'what are you looking at'.
In a split second of the great stare, he drove away.
What is his business here?
Why the stare?
There's more coming up...

© Daydawn