

Pretty Misunderstandings.. Part 4🥂
.....nd of relief.

The very same day, during their recess she tried to make Rishab aware of the way the junior looked at him.

“Can’t you see Rishab that Prakriti isn’t interested in the drama?”

“And your point is?” he looked at her while having a bite of his sandwich.

“It is obvious that she is into you. She likes you. Every single head present there could tell it.” She said as she looked away.

“There’s nothing like that and even if there is, it doesn’t matter to me. She is just my opposite lead and a junior.” He explained patiently waiting for her to look back at him and which she does.

“How can you be that cool? I just don’t like it, she being close to you, staring you with those love sick eyes. No, actually I don’t like her. Back off from the lead role. Don’t do this play.” Yes, she was being childish then. He couldn't help but smile.

“You are just overreacting, chill. Don’t think so much.” His eyes were still glued at her. He knew her well. She was a girl with short temper and given the situation, she was angry.

“Fine, be with her then. Go, stick by her. Bye.” She stood up literally stamping her feet, leaving him there speechless with her sudden outburst, and started to walk towards their classroom. Alone.
He took her explosion lightly and knowing her, he laughed it out. He knew she'll come around and the fact that she doesn't have much place to hide as they shared the same desk, she would be by his side within next 5 minutes. He preferred to ignore her attitude and tried to focus on finishing his lunch.
Throughout the day, she didn’t talk to him though he sat right next to her.

When she went home in bad mood, her mother sensed it and casually inquired her the reason behind the sour expression on her face. She used to share everything with her mother. She was pretty close to her parents, they could openly talk about issues. Her mother too laughed at first after she heard her part of story. This only made her mood sourer. But, then her mother caring about her only daughter's mood, made her sit and asked her a simple question, “Is he your boyfriend Aashi?” Shocked by her mother's question and instantly shouting out a “No”, she looked away fidgeting with her fingers. Her mother just smiled and continued, “You have feelings for him, don’t you?”

“What rubbish Maa… there’s nothing as such. He is just a good friend.” She stood up to escape from the awkward situation but her mother, getting hold of her, stopped her and continued, “If he is just a friend sweetheart, then why are you feeling so jealous? You don’t get jealous when a girl likes your friends. Do you?” Her mother released her and she ran for her room.

Locking the door, leaning against it, she analysed the whole conversation that she had with her mother. It was only then that she realised that she had feelings for him. She smiled like never before. She beamed with joy. Then at the very moment, it hit her, suddenly all the colours flushed away from her cheeksand left her pale. She was now conscious of her feelings and alamed by the thought that how will she control those in front of him.

... To be continued ...

P.S ... will she confess? Does he feel the same way as her? or... She's just a friend? How is she going to control her emotions?

© Chestnut_writes❤️