

My cousin Shawn usually lived in a jail cell. He is doing well now. At least, his stay away from incarceration is longer than usual. This story is gonna be shorter than usual. Thats because its already been told in my book that got published. Shawn brought over an older woman that just had gotten out of the hospital having a wound on her leg that had gotten infected by Mrca. Mrca is a living meat eating bacteria that will destroy your muscle tissue and everything in its path all the way to the bone. I had it one time in my left elbo/forearm and was quarantined for three weeks.

This woman was left with me in my apartment by my cousin for three nights. She did drugs and at that moment in time, I wasn't. I allowed her to sleep on my living room couch, whereas, my fifteen year old daughter was in her own bedroom across the hallway, bathroom, and linen closet from my bedroom.

I woke up on the third night to a loud noise and gurgling sounds, along with bangs, and thuds. The moment i walked out of my bedroom and peeked around the corner to where the noise was coming from and where that woman was supposed to be asleep on my couch, I was frozen solid watching that woman being tossed around upon the couch, and thrown to the floor and then back on the couch as her arms were flailing all about into the air as if she was being controlled, no, more like being thrown about by an invisible giant. Her body was being thrown up into the air to crumble down in an a pile on the floor, the lifted upwards again and tossed upon the couch in a piled mess until her head was turned sideways and her face was looking my way. The second i saw that she was aware of my presence, her body twisted straight and with face and head pointing upward, her body stiffened as straight as a board with her arms to either side. Her body was a board with heals of the feet touching the carpet as her stiffened legs allowed for her butt to barely hold up the rest of her torso. At the minute this occured, her head turned to face me. I watched as her eyes rolled into the back of her head and stayed there only showing the whites of her eyes
focusing on me totally wide open. I began a very quick walk to the kitchen only ten feet away. Her head kept following my progress into the kitchen until I couldnt see the thing anymore turning the corner into my kitchen

By that time, I'm not having a good time. I'm at a point where l feel like lm unworthy and that in no way would i be given any possibility of help from God. It just didn't matter. This was real. This was happening. This was in my home. It happened so fast thawt I was back in my bedroom before I knew it.
I asked God to please let me know what I should do because my daughter is in the other room, and her safety is the most important thing to me and that im scared that whatever it is might get out but that i was given the power to cast out demons, only that what if i can't do it? what if i fail? what if its more powerful than you've given me the strength to keep it from my cydney( my daughter). What if, what if??? And then i heard it...it was that soft voice I heard on other occasions that told me that my God was letting me know that its going to be okay. I was given a feeling of calming certainty to just go back to my bedroom and not to be afraid.
Its already rolled back eyes were affixed to me as i rounded the kitchen wall separating the living room from the kitchen still with facing its head turned my way in the exact place as it was when i left its presence. I got into my bedroom and couldnt sleep the rest of the night.

I know one thing, though; I was told by that woman upon escorting her elsewhere that there wasn't any demons in her. She pleaded with me over and over but i dropped her off at a trailer located nearby used specifically to help out the homeless.. Whenever a demon is in a person, that person is unaware of its presence, yet, that person is being controlled by it very subtly, and/or to the point at which it has the power to throw a body around like a stuffed animal. As is, in what I experienced that night.

caring is sharing
Before my step-second cousin had been called to her final destination upon leaving this earth, the two of us had a bit of a thing between us that didnt last long primarily due to my repressed psyche that became corrupted through years of diligently placed installments of somewhat of a moronic interpretation of morality i've adopted as a given. And now, I look as if I'm stupid in believing I should live with such absurdity. Since the cats out of the bag, it's common knowledge that you can marry your second cousin, and even a first cousin in some states. This isn't the first ripe cherry dangling on the tree ready to be plucked, yet just to let go of, to fall wastefully on the savage ground below, due to the unethical brainwashing our predicessors instilled within us.
I just wish, I didnt feel so ugly when we were together for those couple of days. I miss her, for not only the brief moments we had shared, but just simply with being near her had always brought about such a positive spiritual aliveness rarely shown in others, She was a gem in the rough.
It was a couple of months after I had quickly ended it with us, and, did it ever, end abruptly! It came over me so fast, and out of my mouth without thinking first, and it was just by simply asking her if she was ready to go home now? With one short look into my eyes, she was on a mission. She was grabbing her things up, and heading to my apartments front door before I could formulate the words to answer her question, "why?"
When we arrived at her place,
We parted inside of a slightly foggy mist of unanswered questions with abnormal parting pleasantries, leaving me feeling quite hollow, and wordless. I was dumbfounded, would be the nearest word that seems to fit.

The couple of months that came and went from the time we saw each other til the moment, i saw her next, was filled with a building up of anticipation of finally laying to rest the situation that needed answers of why we had parted. Instead, the second she came back upstairs after letting me in her house, then her bedroom, and after designating that my only destination until her return was to be upstairs, and to await her arrival seated upon her bed, I basically, threw myself on her.
"Whooa, sir!" she yelled out sternly while jumping sideways and backing away from me like I had just shit myself or something. She went on to nip this advancement on her in the bud without any hesitation. She flatly said just because we had a time together recently, that dont mean that she was ready for more or for that matter, for any kind of relationship like that. "Now that was awesome to have the cards out on the table at the git go!" was the thought that put a smile on my face, not from embarrassment usually associated with times like this. It was her tactfulness with the showing of no resentment normally accompanying these types of situations, that seemed to be the best thing clearing the air between us.
We seemed alot like we were getting even closer at that point, but, with having a clear view of the, 'now us', our friendship continued on without interruption.

It could have been that night, or another, I'm not too sure, cause we had many times that we swapped crazy stories that dealt with the paranormal, but the story she told was just one out of her collection that sticks out the most due to the fact that it was the closest. She told me that there is a spirit inside of the wall in the area just inside of the small square shaped door, as she pointed to the wall to the left of me, right next to the stairway leading down into the kitchen, and back door of the house.
We were to be quiet for a moment after she told me of its presence to make sure it remained undesturbed by her letting me in on it being there. It didnt make any noise that time, so i was good to go, and then carried on until it was time to get back home. A couple times there was a few knocks coming from the other side of that wall when we were being a little bit louder than usual.

It was months later that my friend Greg had accompanied me over to Tera's home to visit her, when we had gotten a rather sizeable taste of this entity living behind the wall next to the stairway leading upstairs, that is completely unforgettable.

Tera knew we were coming over because I called to warn her that I was bringing Greg with, and that was just fine with her. She'd known Greg for years who used to be one of my second cousins husbands for like, fifteen years or so, until the inevitable ending happens normally associated with underage marriages.
Just after greeting us at the back door, we were promptly escorted to Teras private personal upstairs chambers. After unlocking the door that would take us onto the stairs going up I heard loud voices coming from out of the big living room that was just past the kitchen, and dining room. Tera seemed rushed by allowing Greg and me in finding our own seats, as she hurriedly explained that she wouldn't be too long in returning but it was a must in taking care of the goings on downstairs. She headed down the stairs with the clear order to not bother the ghost behind the wall. I concurred before she slipped out of sight.
Now, Greg being quite a bit of a child-like prodegy of the rebellious in nature type of touble maker, looked over to see where I stood with this recent commanding directive given, and all i could do was smile, so just for kicks he threw a metal lid from a metal cookie box at the wall. It hit hard and clanked repeatedly almost hitting every step going all the way to the bottom of the stairs.
Even though i had witnessed a couple of banging noises once or twice while being there before, this thing made some serious noise that actually started to scare both of us.
The noise it made from beyond the wall was so loud and hostile sounding, that Greg and me stood up and were ready to get the hell out of there right then. We just kept looking at the door in the wall, then back at each other, and yelled out, "what do we do now!!?", and, "I dunno!!" a couple of times, and difinitely weren't sure at all about going any closer to that wall leading down to safety, when Tera came running up the stairs cussing and pointing and screaming over the noise, that we have to go now, right now! And pushed us down the stairs and out the back door, yelling how she told us not to bug the thing in there. She was pissed. Needless to say, it was along time before I went to see my cousin again.
The next time was when she had cancer and I brought my oldest son over when she was having a yard sale, while moving out of that house.