

Mistakes made in studying.
Studying is a process entailing learning almost anything. It's not restricted to education, one can study a language, a skill, a routine, culture among other things. Different people got different ways of studying, different reasons for studying. For instance one may learn a language in order to use it on travel or due to career.
There's no definite ways of studying but the method of studying got an impact on one's comprehension, retention, conversant of the info under study. Most common methods of studying are passive and active study. One may have a study routine but may be bound to have mistakes or the method turns out not to work for them.

+ Poor study habits
a) Studying without a goal; having a goal helps one to atleast have a view of where they are headed to in their study life enabling one to plan, short-term or long-term schedule and be able to stick to it. A goal serves as a reminder to one's mind as you are aiming at achieving something eg passing exam, learning a language, a skill or whatever you studying. Set deadlines for the accomplishment of the goals as having a goal or aim with no deadline is as good as having no goal.There's no good feeling like the feeling of setting a goal, working on it and accomplishing it.

b) Poor time management; having a schedule and/or a time table enables one to allocate each of the subjects to be studied an amount of time thus all are covered. Having a timetable saves one time as there's less time taken in decision making on what to study. Schedules should be realistic not one that is rigid, take breaks in between your studies. Studying while taking time off boosts amount of info that's retained, reduce boredom, refreshes the mind to take in more info. Do not overwhelm yourself with loads of work as that gets you disappointed and impatient unlike when you distribute your work in a study plan, covering bit by bit.

c) Overreliance on tutors or course; making references is not bad the problem is when you overly on what the tutors, teachers or syllabus give as it makes one to be lazy and confine oneself to what the teacher or syllabus says. One should instead study beyond the box, do researches, analysis on your own in order to top up on what's in the syllabus or what's taught. Doing self researches broadens ones mind, reasoning skills thus able to critic situations in reality. Also info that the tutor might have missed out or what syllabus has not expaunded on, a good researcher is at advantage as he or she has wide knowledge. Overreliance on tutor makes the student lazy to work on their own, stagnates once mind, confine one to only what's provided.

d) Memorizing and cramming of information; might seem as a good option to many especially during last minutes to exam time. It's not a recommended way of studying..imagine studying around nine subjects, is it possible to memorize all the topics in each subjects? Memorizing is only good for formulas, of which it might not be useful as if you only know the formula but know not how to work out or apply it, of what help is the cramming? Instead one should read to comprehend the information. Topics that are well understood, most of it are retained. Examiners are not always straightforward, they twist what was taught. For a student who reads to understand, can apply the info on various circumstances compared to one that crams info, a little twist in question or scenario, mind snaps and you are blank. Studying while comprehending is time consuming thus one needs to plan well in order to cover most of the syllabus before exams.

e) Procrastination; is an obstacle to success. Postponing plans, results in bulk load of work, unfinished projects, unachieved goals and being caught up by time and deadlines thus poor productivity. Lack of schedule or timetable gives room for procrastination as one doesn't have deadlines thus visualizes always that there's time, ends up prioritizing on minors and leaving out on majors. Setting priorities right enables one to avoid postponing events. Set your priorities depending on importance, deadline, time available, resources, goals. Procrastination makes one lazy and less productive.

f) Distractions;
while studying avoid distractions such as phone notifications, noise, loud music among others. When studying something that requires maximum concentration, find a quiet place, turn of notifications or put phone away, remove any distracting items on your study table, turn off music.
Less distractions, more concentration.

g) Unrealisticness; tires someone, makes one impatient and might give up. Set realistic goals that are attainable, avoid seeking perfection, comparing yourself with others, having overexpectations, which might induce you to pressure yourself. We all humans and need time off. Once in a while, break off from books, study and venture into other things such as hobbies. During this breaks do things such as puzzle games, meditation, listening to music, podcasts among others.

Everyone got their own pace of learning, don't compare yourself, trust your process.
© Grace Atieno