

The Ventriloquist Act 13
When Jasmine got home, she skipped dinner and went straight upstairs to her room. When she got into her room, she flipped the light switch on. She took her shoes off and hopped in the foot of her bedside. She grabbed her big black Dell laptop from her glass table beside her, and was eagerly waiting on her teacher to send her the information. It felt like she was waiting for hours. An hour later around 6, she received a notification from Mr. Hanks sending her an email guiding her on what to do on how to stop the Ventriloquist dummy.

[To]: Jmes80gmail.com
[From]: Jasemaeyahoo.com
[Subject]: Spell Guide.

      Hi Jasmine,

      I'm sorry I didn't send you this earlier. Got caught in traffic, but here is the Spell Guidelines I want you to follow. 
Like what I've mentioned before when you begin this spell. The purpose of this spell is for making wishes. For this spell you will need 7 Job’s Tears or 7 Mojo beans. 7 Job's Tears are seeds that comes in several colors. The 7 job seeds are sometimes used as ornamental beads. Usually the roots of a plant is sometimes used for medicine. Many people have used Job tears for a variety of conditions. You can also use it for cure and protection. You place one Job’s tear or Mojo bean in your pocket every day for seven days. On the 7th day, go to a river or stream and make your wish “in the name of the father, Son, and the Holy Ghost." After that, you throw the seven beans or seeds over your left shoulder into the running water. Than, you walk away. Do not look back or your wish will not come true. I still have the supplies to do the spell. I will give it to you tomorrow after class.

Thank you,
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