

restorluhvlettr . p.hm?su?
I ...

I don't know if I usually start out with "dear" in a letter or not.
I don't know if I want to be or if I am the same me anymore.
sometimes I believe that also I am.

Brother Love.
Love sister.

English is English. lines that make pictures. I love communicative pictures and I love rooms. to make more room was you. and I couldnt wait to help your dream come true. for in finding love with love as love ... in light as darkness my shield or touch... (whichever for the balance needs whenever it does)
how could love be the wrong approach. with an estimated humanly amount of a possible 10000 years. or whatever mom makes up. ... brother. you gave me everything I'd ever wanted. and whenever I was ready .. you gave me a moum. I hope you can read. I hope you can see. I hope my love for you is enough to create for you or .. you as you exist infinitely? I am not trying to be scared. I'm trying to be strong, as my name is supposed to let light or so bring in.
you love names I heard.
I'm trying to love humans.
I'm trying to believe that the moon didn't walk through the sun.
plaid and plane.
I left you that day.
did I try to let go?
cuz I don't Want to be fake.
with love near awake and whomever you call the male spirit..my mom?
can I let you reconnect our relationship.
so mad In a comfortable ship.
I'd stay 10000 more and tell you everyday more.
if you're nervous I trust you're core.
not trying to be more powerful than thee.
what if I talk with 1/2 a wall.
destruction could faulted, but to reach you with armor ... my name brother .
wake up.
-amari. amori amari Ameri ....
I love you brother.
I love you, what they say,. .. God?
© chorus chrubble