

Awake(Chapter 9)
~ If you haven't read the chapters before this make sure to go read those first and then come back to this chapter, chapters will now be posted tuesdays and Thursday and occasionally on Saturdays~

I wake up to the sound of moms voice, "Lydia wake up!" I rub my eyes and sit up I shout out, "okay okay I'm awake." Then the memories of yesterday come flooding back to me. Today I'm going to talk to Rosalina and find out what she knows but first I got to find her. Mom shouts from downstairs, "Lydia I made you eggs and bacon!" Although that does sound good I need to do this, "Oh I'm just gonna skip breakfast today, I have to finish this project for school!" Mom, a bit suprised replies, "Ok well have fun with that!"
I grab my phone off of my dresser next to my bed and decide to look at Rosalina's social media page. Sometimes she posts a picture and tags the location. I go to Snapchat first and look at her story. I Scan through her selfies, clicking past each one, focused on my one goal. Finally I stop at a picture, the picture has a blank background with the words, "This place kinda hot." Sure enough it has a location tagged onto it, I click on it and it takes me to BlackBerry mall on google maps. "Yes!" I say out loud. I take a step back and look down at my clothes, realizing I'm still in my Pajamas. I go into my closet and throw on a hoodie and some shorts. I grab my phone and put it in my little handbag and hurry out of my room and downstairs. "Where are you going?" I turn around and see mom washing dishes. Lying I say, "I'm going over to Emily's to work on our project together." Mom with a suprised expression on her face answers, "Oh, I thought you didn't want to go anywhere cause of ehat happened yesterday." I smile and say, "Oh no I'm good now." Mom smiles back, "Alright glad your feeling better." I turn around and start heading towards the door. "Also one more thing, what exactly happened yesterday?" I stop in my footsteps and turn around, "Oh I just started getting a migraine- Rosalina didn't do anything to me." There was what felt like a long silence between us then she said, "Alright I'm just glad your okay, Have fun with Emily!" I realized I was holding my breath, I let it out, "I will!" I open the the front door and close it behind me. Stepping out onto the front porch, I feel a gust of cold air. That's unusual its never cold here... well I don't really want to go back inside so I guess I'll just deal with it. I start heading around my house to the backyard. I then see the shed and start heading toward it. I get to the shed and turn the knob of the rusty doors and pull it open. Through all the junk in their I see one thing that isn't junk, My silver bike. I love this bike and got it when I was 13. I grab the bike and luckily it doesn't have any flat tires so I roll it toward the front yard and onto the road. Well I guess it's time to talk to Rosalina and find out the truth. I put me feet on the pedals and start pedaling towards BlackBerry Mall.

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