

Cassies Dream PT 16
"Yes I can open the window for you." Sam says putting his bowl in the dishwasher. "Sweet." Missy goes back up to the room she is staying in. Sam follows her up the stairs he stops at the door seeing her bent over trying to get the window up. Her small breast showing with her shirt lifting up. Sam says "Here let me get that." He steps over to the window Missy starts to back up and bumps her cute little ass into him. "Sorry" "That's okay here just stand still for a minute." Sam reaches around her and pushes the window up. Missy turns around and looks up at him "Thank you so much." "You bet." He stands looking down at her for a minute "I guess I better let you get some sleep." "Don't go sit with me for a while." Missy says taking his hand. "Okay" Missy climbs up on the bed and pats the other side "So you and Ty and Steve been friends long time?" "Yeah first grade we have two other buddies Jeff and Lance too. Steve is Tys adopted brother Tys mom and dad adopted him when we were ten or so after his parents passed away." "That's cool I have known those two bitches since fourth grade. So you're a vet what made you decide that's what you wanted to be?" "I love animals grew up helping my dad with the livestock and then Tys dad starting buying horses and I helped out over here so I went to college and then Ty helped me with the money to open my own office so here I am." "They are loaded huh?" Sam laughs "You could say that. Somewhere seventy million or somewhere around there with everything they own" "Damn that is crazy insane I feel rich if my bank account don't have any red numbers." "I know that feeling too. You sure are pretty." Missy smiles "Thank you. " "I guess I better go to bed." Sam stands up to leave. "Please stay." Missy gets under the covers and moves over Sam sits back down on the bed Missy reaches over and touches his arm "Just lay down here with me and talk" Sam lays down on the bed next to her "So what do you want to talk about?" Missy turns off the lamp and says "How well you kiss." And she leans over and kisses him.
Steve and Nina get out of the pool and go in the house "Are you sleepy?" "No but I am going to go up and change." Nina says. "Okay I am too my room is down here so I will meet you back in the sunroom?" "Alright I won't be long." Nina runs up the stairs to her room and takes her swimsuit off and spills a cute little simple tank top dress and combs her hair and going back down to the sunroom she sees the photos of Cassie at the rodeo."These at great who does that?" "My sister Shelly had them done for Cassie." "I sent some head shots to your sisters fashion company a couple weeks ago?" "Are you wanting to be a model?" "I would like to in the fashion industry. But I don't want to be where I can't see Missy and Cassie they are my family I have a sister but we don't speak she married a real dick and moved to Cali. He told her I hit on him when I didn't so..." Nina goes over and sits down next to Steve in the sunroom. "So what was it like growing up with all of this?" moving her hand around in the air. " I didn't have all of this till I was ten I am adopted. My parents were poor my dad was a drunk and my mom worked two jobs most of the time. I was here most of the time cause Ty was my best friend." "What happened that they adopted you?" Steve looks out over the flower garden "My dad drank a lot and he was mean to me and my mom and one afternoon he had went to the local bar and hooked up with this woman who was basically a who're and he took her home with him while I guess they done whatever and fell asleep and when my mom came home she found them in bed and she shot both of them and then herself. Tys parents stepped in and took me in so I wouldn't be sent to a home ended up just adopting me. I could not have been luckier they were the very best parents in the world they loved us beyond words." "That's awesome I never knew my dad and mom was killed in a car accident just a few years ago." "Ours died in a plane crash in Colorado. It was. really hard time So Shelly does her fashion design thing and runs the publishing company and Allen runs the construction company and Ty and I do the horse thing and then I have my law office." "So you don't have a girlfriend or special someone in your life?" Steve shakes his head no. "Do you?" "No I haven't met anyone that can put up with me. I can be very needy or maybe it's I want that kind of love that leaves you weak in the knees you know like Ty and Cassie." Steve studies her face for a few minutes "Ty says he knew as soon as he seen her that she was who he was ment to be with." "They are prefect for each other I mean my god look at them they are beautiful by themselves but together they make each other more stunning. Cassie has always been that girl that don't see what they rest of us see when we look at her so of course that makes her stand out even more but now she glows because she knows he loves her." Steve laughs "You are a hopeless romantic huh?" "How can you tell?" Nina says laughing. "Well I happen to know a really great place to watch the sun come up are you interested in seeing it?" Steve says standing up. Nina stands up and Steve takes her hand and leads her out of the house and down to the barn he slides the door open and leads her to the stairs that go up in the loft. He grabs a blanket that is hangs on the railing and leads her back between the hay bales he lays the blanket down and opens the big door then he sits down beside her. "This is cool the sky is gorgeous." Nina says as she leans back on the blanket. You are gorgeous and I have wanted to kiss you for most of the night." "Then what are you waiting for?"
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