

The untold
Not every day, not every moment, but once and sometimes never. It was a beautiful afternoon James and Jack where both playing truth or dare when someone bang at the door. James was worried as he wasn't expecting anyone apart from Jack. It was James apartment not far from Miami Beach. Jack was about to go and open the door but James gave him a sign of disagreement. Few minutes later the banging on the door stopped. James took a glance at the window and saw everything to be normal then he whisper to Jack; how could someone be banging at the door like that as if something bad is going on the street. I am also surprise said Jack. It was about 6:39pm Jack was set to go home on opening the door he found Mark lying at the front of the door shivering that you can loudly hear the sound of his tooth clashing together. Jack quickly pull Mark in and lay him on the bed while James covered him with a very thick blanket. What's wrong with him? Asked James. I don't know reply Jack. It was 12:00am when Mark got up from the bed he was a bit fine but very scared. What happened to you asked Jack. Why didn't you open the door when I banged at the door? Asked Mark. It's strange for someone to bang at the door just the way you did on a good day like this said James. What's good about this day? Didn't you see what is going on outside? Ask Mark. James went to the window and open it. Everything is peaceful out there said Jack. This is highly wrong, outside was very cold and filled with scary creatures I managed to escape into your apartment, what really going on? Mark said. We don't know what really happened or what you're saying but tomorrow we will find out. Said James. It's 1:30am the light went off Mark fainted immediately while James and Jack were scared suddenly a large dark shadow covers the room.

The end.
© Walemond Notion