

Prom Nightmare
The cry was faint but I heard loud and clear as I walked past the dark bushes.... My steps faltered. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source, but the more I thought about it, the more inquisitive I was.......

(Few days earlier)
It's was few days to prom, and my first one ever. I had looked forward to this day and was so excited to be going with my best friend, Ama, since no guy asked me out. Initially, I was sad, and almost gave up going to prom until my best friend suggested I take her along since she was in the same position as I was, except that her boyfriend (whom I had always believe was so good to be true) called the relationship off. Deep within, I danced for joy but was careful not to be obvious for the sake of my friend whose heart was shattered. I almost felt like a hypocrite and guilty for my behavior. But, I reassured her that she was better off without him and we had a bowl of ice-cream to ourselves to help ease our pains...

So on this day, She said 'have you found anyone to take to prom with you?' With a sad face, I replied 'No, I'm not sure I can go anymore. This is the worst prom ever, I said as I scooped a big ice cream in my mouth'. Ama took the ice cream bowl from me. Turning me to face her, I will go with you to Prom Jessica, she said. Take me with you as your friendly date. 'What did you say? I asked, while searching for the right words to say, I stared into her eyes'.

Deep within me, I wanted to scream YESSS!!!! I CAN FINALLY GO TO PROM! but I was also afraid of being selfish and inconsiderate. I knew Ama only suggested I take her as my date to forget the hurt and pain and act like all is well in front of the whole school. But seriously, I didn't care as long as I went to what I always dreamed of for a long time. My conscience judged me but I ignored it, and as usual accepted her request. It became official: Ama and Jessica, going to prom together, as BFF.

(Prom Day)

The big day finally came. I had just finished lunch with the family when I rushed out to do some last minute preparations with Ama. Although, she was meant to meet at my house, but called to cancel. I didn't really mind running errands alone, as I understood she had things to take care of with her ex and promised to be home before 4pm. So, there was going to be enough time for us to have dinner before heading to the venue for our prom party.
I got a thank-you gift for her and a matching wristbands for us. This was going to be my best day until....

(Few hours to Prom)
The time is 3:30pm, and no call from Ama??.
I began pacing back and forth in my room, biting my already manicured finger nails, and wondering if she bailed out on me or if she found someone else to go with. I picked up my phone and dialed her number severally, yet no response. I also sent several messages on Wechat, no single reply. I got even more worried as I left some voicemail as well.
Has anything bad happened to my friend? I later begged my mum to call her mum since they were also friends. I said, Maybe Ama's mum can tell you if Ama doesn't want to speak to me, I will understand. I just wanted to know that my friend was alright. Mum made the quick call, but was told Ama hasn't been home all day and her mum assumed she was at my place.
Where can she be? Ama where are you?? I got scared.
Mum asked if we had a fight, I said No.

(4:35-Prom Day)

No sign of Ama. Something is not right. I could feel it, I could sense it.Ama is in Danger. I picked up my phone and purse and yelled out 'Mum, I'm stepping out'. Where are you going she asked? I'm going to search for Ama. Mum disapprovingly shook her head and reminded me that the police are aware and will put a missing person advert after 24hours. But I was so adamant and headed out anyways. I searched for her at our favorite coffee and donuts shop, boutiques, library, worship center, the park and every possible place I could think of yet there was no sign of Ama and no one knew where she was. I took a minute to take a breather when my phone beeped and I saw the notification. I breathe a sigh of relief...

(6:45pm- Prom day)
It was a voicemail from Ama. Finally, I could relax my mind. I didn't mind we were late for prom. The important thing to me was my friend's safety because she would have done same or even more for me.

I quickly opened my phone to listen when my heart got stuck in my throat. It was coded and a five words message 'Behind the Wood, Help me'. I jumped to my feet. Ama, I don't understand... Where are you? I said as a tiny tear dropped down my chin. I'm coming. Please hold on.

(7:06-Prom day)

I had a feeling Ama thought I will be able to find her no matter what. I wasn't ready to betray my friend's trust in me and let her down. I tried so hard to crack the code and I was so willing and determined to do so. Now, my mum and Ama's mum were worried we weren't home, but I assured them that I was fine because I was looking for my friend. Yes, I was that stubborn. 'behind the wood'...hmmm. where could this mysterious place be.. Ama and I hadn't spend any time in the wood, although, we had plan to knock it off our bucket lists soon. I cracked my head and prayed silently for the first time that day to get a clue to the riddle. I almost gave up when an idea I didn't think of popped in. Oh my God!!! Joseph's tree house?? for a second, my heart skipped. I didn't know whether to be excited or scared. Joseph is Ama's ex. I knew he was weird, but there was more to him I couldn't figure out. He was just so good to be true. I took a cab to Jose's (as he is formally called), but called my mum to inform the police of my location and to tell them to arrive with backups. After all, Ama is in Danger, I thought.

I got to Jose's tree house and I felt some goosebumps. Then, I took a deep breath and reminded myself while I was there in the first place. I stood in front of the huge tree house, trying to decide what next step to take. Something told me to run, but I found myself bringing out my phone to dial Ama's number again. I could swear I heard a voice saying to me this is foolishness, what are you doing.. But I dialed the number hoping to hear a voice. No one answered. I quickly went to the voicemail and listened intently. Then walked toward the tree house, as if on cue I heard the sound of someone crying ..

(7:50- Prom day)

The cry was faint but I heard it loud and clear as I walked past the dark bushes behind the tree house. My steps faltered, I was scared very very scared. It was late and I wasn’t sure if it was a smart thing to stop and inspect the source, but the more I thought about it, the more inquisitive I became and the more determined I was to save my friend. As I walked, I thought of wild animals attack, and wondered if a lion or werewolf did something terrible like tearing a part of her body apart.

Not too long, I spotted a ragged figure. The ray of moonlight reflected on her body so I could see her clearly in the darkness of the night. She was matted with mud and blood, part of her face swollen. I almost didn't recognize that the figure was Ama. When she saw me, she tried to smile but winced in pain. She wanted to hold me, but her bones were broken. She looked me in the eyes and said I knew you will find me Jessie. You are so smart, she smiled weakly. Then we heard a rushing sound coming from somewhere in the wood, she grabbed me and said 'Help Me'.. 'Danger'.. I still couldn't understand, but hushed her down and told her I was there for her, but she shook her head provocatively and said He'll kill me... and you too. Before I could respond, I felt a cold hand on my throat
I struggled to get free of his grip on me, but he was stronger than I. Please ...Stop... Please... You're... Hurting... Me...

I don't remember what happened next. All I remember was my vision becoming blurry and one last look at my struggling friend whose hand was stretched out to me and then my eyes shut. Lastly, I heard a gun shot and some voices in a faraway distance (My Mum and Ama's).

(11pm-Prom Day)
I slowly woke up to find myself in a hospital bed and my mum beside me. Where am I? what happened?. Mum was so relieved to see I had woken up and rang the emergency bell beside my bed to summon a nurse or doctor on duty at that time. Mum, what happened to me? why am I here in a hospital bed?Where is Ama? Is she OK. Mum just smiled and said it's OK baby. Ama is fine, and here in this hospital. I'm happy you are fine and alive. Try to rest more, and we will talk about this when the doctor get here.

As if on cue, the doctor arrived with a female police officer.
Hello Jessica, I am Dr. Otto and this is Officer Wendy assigned to your case. With a shallow and panicked breath, I held my mum's hand and said I didn't do anything, mum....don't.... don't let them take me away....please. Officer Wendy came around my bed and put her hand on me to comfort me. Don't worry Jessie, you are not under arrest for anything. Ama already gave her statements and I am here to ask you few questions and take down your statements. Just be calm and tell me everything I need to know, OK?. I exhaled deeply and narrated everything from the beginning.

Thank You Jessie, that's will be all for now. Please don't hesitate to contact me if there is more, OK? she handed my mum her card. Get well Jessica. Just as she was about leaving, I asked please who is the culprit and why was he after Ama? The officer gave a pained look and said.. I feel ashamed to say this, but he is my cousin, Jose. I don't know why he was after Ama, but I promise to get to the root of this.
Oh! I'm so sorry officer.. No don't be, she replied. I have handled way more complicated cases than this.

I could swear I saw her fighting back tears, but she left the room before I could say more to her.

(5days later)
Ama is discharged from the hospital and undergoing therapy for sexual harassment, and drug abuse and she is recuperating as well. I still visit her when I get the chance to, but not without my mum's supervision. Since I'm also recovering from the shock, She won't let me leave the house unannounced.
Joseph or Jose on the other hand was charged to court and went to jail.
My school principal is aware of what happened during prom night and had given Ama sometime off, while Joses sport scholarship into one of the most prestigious school in Texas is cancelled due to...you know what...

Do I ever look forward to a Prom night? I doubt I will ever attend any.

© Nma Elinwa