

I'm trying to learn, just like You. Learning is an endless cycle that slowly grow me until this time. It's just the same as the earth revolution period. I'm growing as the earth getting older.
Instead of feeling growthful, I always think that I am not even better than anyone. It looks like I see myself as an evolving-mind which is uncompareable with anyone else.
Does It how the Learning works?
Bah, I prefer to enjoy this time than think it hard.
I hope I can get the MEXT Scholarship. I dream to study at Japan. I am amazed of their culture, history, and their passion of research. I've loved Japan since I play some Games. Final Fantasy Series, Sengoku Basara, Samurai Warriors series, and etc. I also have been a Manga (Japanese Comicbook) reader since elementary school. Their passion of work can be seen from there. Their techies also are great, such as Shinkansen (Super-Fast Train). Beyond that reasons, I want to contribute "Something" to my country. I'm sure I can deliver the goods from Japan to my Beloved Country.
I'll take the Gakubu Scholarship, the same as bachelor degree. I've done Sr. Highschool this year, and passed a National College. I dream to study abroad without my parents help--I want to be independent. We don't have so much money to send Me abroad, so that I want this Scholarsip so much.
So, I had registered my name for the scholarship, and now I'm preparing the required documents. Wish Me passing the document selection :). Studying for the passing exam is also important, Let's Rock!!!

But Above all, I'm afraid of Mum. The last time I talked about study abroad, She's mad at Me. Maybe The Mother Instinct is really exist at Her. I am too scared to talk to Her, because denial can hurt Me so much. I've prayed to The Creator to "knock-knock" her mind, and let Me take the selection. I will talk to Her once I pass the document selection, Wish Me Luck!!

And Beyond Everything, I need to enjoy every present moment. The Creator will always help Me every second. No need to worry!!!

Thank you for have a read!!!