

Self introspection.

In the corners of your mind, there are smiles and memories that you cannot just leave behind, that you cannot just forget. Pen a story about it.Type it and print it out as if it is a newspaper full of sorrows and wonders of the world. Catogorise everything placed inside your heart like the genres of movies ,comedies to horrors remembering how reality is by using all of these genres included to elaborate how realistic life is.Ask yourself if you are going to spend your time diving in deep seas risking your life rather exploring the beauty of nature.Don't muddy waters of a bad situation because of jealous within human beings rather, be a mute to show maturity and dignity which shall be earned quieter and peacefully.Peace is like an instrument which is barely used for good but always damaged everyday and want to be fixed when it doesn't have any meaning to life anymore why not give it life when it is still living waiting to be used in a beautifully instrumental manner. Forsake unnecessarily complicated acts to boost self-ego.

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