

Love War....Part1
When Lineo opens her eyes found,She finds herself lying on the bed.
She is surprised and can't understand why she is here.
The house is so beautiful.When she is looking around, She see a beautiful women And she tells her name Biyani...
Lineo:Who are you?what happened with me?
Biyani: I don't know you. My brother -in-law, Abhik took you from the road.
Lineo:But who are this abhik?
on that momen, Another beautiful women Named sikhani came and asked..
Sikhani: Hey, Girl where are you from?My husband found you on the road.
Lineo: I am sorry. But I actually I couldn't remember anything.
Biyani: sikhani,How dirty but beautiful she is!If She will be married with our little brother Sheri.
Sikhani is smiled and smiled.
sikhani:Never....She is not beautiful as Like us.
Lineo don't understand anything.
At that moment...
Biyani: Hey Girl, You look very dirty and go to the washroom and take bath as possible.
Lineo body is in pain. But she goes for taking bath.
After 2Hours,
Lineo comes and she is so tried that she sleeps immediately.
At that moment, Abhik comes and He sees a beautiful fairy with black long hair. He sees the lineo who is very beautiful but when he took her he didn't saw her beauty due to dirty of her face make her beauty is in blur.

Abhik: The girl is so beautiful. I never see a beauty like her.

Even if his wife sikhani is so beautiful but she don't have long hair.
Suddenly Big brother Shabo come to see the road girl but when he enters the room he find a most beautiful fairy girl.

ShabO: How beautiful she is!
She is so fit.But my wife also beauty but she is fat.
On the third time the little brother sheri come and at that moment Lineo opens her eyes..

Sheri : How beautiful she is!She has big eyes. But I like big eyes.
shabo: You are right. The girl is so very beautiful.see how slim she is. I like slim girl.
Abhik: Right bro..she has long hair like rupanzel....i like her hair. so beauty..
All of them leave the room.
Lineo don't understand anything. She surprise and don't remember anything.
At night, Everyone is doing their dinner and lineo come towards the dinnig table...when everyone see her....all of them think that A fairy might come.
Sikhani: Why you here? I will give your dinner in your room.

Lineo: My name is lineo. But I cannot remember anything without my name.
A old beautiful women come towards her..
Old women:Lineo...you are so beautiful.. I never see such beauty with perfection. You will stay here..as my daughter -in-law.

old women : see..it is my son sheri...He tells me...he wants to marry you. He tells...you are so beautiful than his imagination.
sheri: Actually...I want to protect your beauty from the world...I want to marry you...l think I love you..But be aware from my brother....They have a bad intention on you.

Shikani:How dare abhik.
Biyani: Yes How dare shabo....

Abhik: Sheri...stupid..what do you think yourself?
Sheri : smarter than you.
Abhik: No....Mom...I want to marry lineo.Because...I took her from the road.
shabo: NO...MOM I will marry her.. because I am smarter than all.
Sheri : Brothers....both of you are married.
sikhani cried...
Shikani: Abhik.....You don't want me....please control..sheri do something..
Abhik: I want lineo...
sheri slaps abhik and both of them creat a dangerous war. On the other hand...Shabo silently gives a flower to lineo....in that moment.

On the next night..
Abhik go to the lineo room as he thinks that he will take lineo and leave the house and city.
Lineo...is in sleep...
Abhik:Lineo...wake up...I take you to your real home.
Lineo awake and find that abhik is called her.
Lineo : what...
Abhik: go to your home.
Lineo : Okay
At that moment...Shabo come and see that abhik is in lineo room...
Shabo shout highly and call everyone..
Old women: What happen with both of you? Are you being crazy...both of you are married. why don't understand that.
Abhik: But i want lineo
Old women: The girl lineo will be sheri..It is my final warning.
Sheri hold the hand of lineo.
And put a ring on her ring finger.
Lineo: But I want to tell something. Actually old aunty I don't like sheri...
Abhik: That's my girl...
Sheri:Abhik....shut up....you might do brain wash of lineo....I will kill you.
Lineo: No....Sheri...I like your big brother shabo...I want to marry him..
Everyone is in shocked.
Sheri: Lineo...How can...shabo brother is married...
Abhik : that's the point..
sheri : same to you abhik.
Shabo...tell everyone to be silent...
shabo: I want to marry lineo and she also wants...so final don't dare to talk any more word.
Old women: Shabo...look at your wife....she is in shock to hear that.... she loves you very much...
Biyani: A bad luck....hey lineo You destroy my family...
Lineo started to cry...
Shabo: How dare you biyani..just get out of my house and my life...lineo...don't cry...
Shabo hold the hand of biyani and take her outside the home...at mid night..
Everyone is surprised and their face look gloomy. Old women tries to stop but blindness of lineo love...shabo is out of control.
To be continued 💓