

Angels and Devils 😇😈
It's a story of Angels and Devils :-

A huge , glorious and magnificent kingdom of God where Angels used to live happily and serving to God.
The Almighty God showered his love to each angles equally. One day The Great Saviour God created Adam and Eve and yes from here partition of angels and devils began. Once devils were also Angels but due to greed of power and deep jealousy they became devil . They dishonored their Almighty and got abandoned from Heaven. But Lucifer was the devil who decided to create his own dynasty. He created hell where all fallen Angels lived. But it all occurred due to jealousy, Lucifer who loved his almighty couldn't handle his love to get divided.
What do you think really Lucifer was that bad?
It was really his fault to mislead Adam and Eve just because he didn't want his Almighty would share his love to others.
I think he just wanted love , love and love.

( Please share your views in the comment section related to this post , also I'm not taking side of angels or devils these are just my thoughts which I'm sharing).
Thank you all for your support. 😇

© meghapathak