

Finding home
So busy riding around talking Ivoy and Ivy pass most of the car dealerships without even looking. I miss you Sis he said I miss our talks.
It's good for me to get perspective from a woman. Look Ivory a man like Dr Corey is special he's the type that doesn't have to prove to himself he's a man. You heard him what he said he's been making love to me every since we met, he's right. I've been trying to avoid him.
He's that kind of a man that don't even have to touch a woman to satisfy her. She's satisfied just knowing you know she said. He walks in the room and the love making start, the way he's dressed, a look, body movements the way he talks, things said small unnoticeable things makes love to a woman. Most women miss the love looking at the face some can satisfy a woman just being there. You know what I'm taking about like what you are doing, to your secretary Cindy.
Yeah I know he said, not everybody gets that not everybody can ither. Making love that way is just as satisfying with the right person. After riding for a while they decided to go back to the beach house for lunch and more talk. They were having lunch so Ivory what is it with you and Cindy she asked. It's nothing big he said, nothing big really she'll do anything for you.
She'd go to the moon to get you a milkshake if she had to and get it back to you before it had time to melt.
See some things aren't easily noticable but that it's the want the need of something special. The caring the being cared for that makes it special.
Not everybody want that it starts out perfectly but after a while they lose something good for lust.
Ivory spent the entire day talking to Ivy trying to talk her out of getting her own place, Dr Corey and relationships. Sunday morning up at 5 a run on the beach Ivy got back in the house just as the phone rang. Out of breath hello she said, back from your run? The voice made Ivy get silent, she didn't know what to say. I'll be getting back tonight I just wanted you to know because didn't want to scared it being late he said.
Ok thanks for telling me she said with nothing else to say they hung up. Her day went fine she restocked the frige the usual thing until about night fall. About 9 Ivy got a bath and got in bed but couldn't get to sleep. She found herself waiting on him to get in. She wouldn't never let him know that but she was waiting.
I don't like this she said to herself this ain't my sort of thing. I'm better not living here I've got to get my own place.
© kikit