

Loneliness to Happiness
Once a cute little rat named ratoila lived in Mercy's home. Ratoila was a small young rat and Mercy was a girl, who is studying in school.
Regularly Mercy's parents went out for work. So, Mercy always stay alone for more hours and no one is around her. She's always sitting at her study desk and doing something.
Often, she noticed a rat moving here and there. She doesn't know about where it feeds on or where it comes from. When she look it, simultaneously the rat will look at her. "It's looking so cute", she said to herself. It happens regularly. She's overjoyed by the rat when it's moving around her.
One day, she didn't find Ratoila. She began to search for it all over the home. Finally, she lost hope and sit on her chair.
What a miracle!! Ratoila was infront of her in the desk. Mercy closely watched the cute little eyes of Ratoila. It was filled with tears. When Ratoila saw Mercy's eyes, it saw her eyes was filled with tears.
At that point, they began to speak with each other. Ratoila started telling it's story.." Hey Mercy, I was lost from my parents. I was in search of them, but I can't find them. On the way of my searching, I have found your home. I found you are alone. I Know how it feels as I'm feeling it. So, I wanna give you a special vibe. Now, you are searching for me. I always thought that nobody will care about me. But you care about me. Nothing makes me feel more happier than this". Mercy with her tears said that, "My friend, I can feel the vibe you have given me. I'm always overjoyed when you are around me and looking at me with those cute little eyes. Thank you for giving me such a precious time when I was feeling lonely".
Ratoila suddenly asked, "Can I be your friend and stay with you?? ..
With a great excitement, Mercy said,"yes...yes".
From that day, Ratoila and Mercy are good friends and they are not alone again...

"The person who knows your pain, your happiness, your struggle is the person who have already crossed those things in life. Don't leave them, because they'll give you the best happiness in your life".
- God's Brave Girl