

🐺 THE CAVE 🐺 (Part 13)
Lancy and I got home! Lancy said patiently "Lia! Be careful! Don't do this again!", I said "Ok baby!", Then we both ate and went to sleep!The next day is Sunday! So we both slept well and woke up late in the morning! Then I told Lancy "Baby! I will say one thing but you should not be angry!", Lancy asked in a confused "what?".

I said with a smile "hehehe! Aden love's you! Baby!", Lancy asked in a shock "what???", I said with a smile "yes! Aden said yesterday!", Lancy said in a cold tone "Tell Aden to come home!", I asked in doubt "But why?", Lancy said "haaa! Tell him to bring Mr. Herman too!", I asked confused "Why Mr. Herman?".

Lancy said patiently "wait baby! Tell them to come home!", Then I told Aden! Aden said “Okay Lia! We’re coming!", Mr. Herman and Aden came home! Lancy went fast and stood in front of Aden! Lancy asked in a cold tone "Hey Aden! Do you really love me?", Aden asked without understanding anything "what happened?".

I said in fear "sor...sorry! Aden! I told her you love Lancy!", Aden said boldly "Yes! I LOVE YOU LANCY!", Lancy asked in a shock "what??.....You know nothing about me!So stop loving me! That's good for everyone!", Aden said angrily "No lancy! I really love you! ", As soon as Lancy angrily leaves the house!.

We all followed Lancy! I said "Lancy! Lancy! Stop baby!", Mr.Herman said to Aden "Aden! Go immediately and stop Lancy!!"..........

🍀To be continued 🍀


© ms_writer_8