

Love story 0004
Again new day rise, sunshine in the sky. The sky was light blue and white clouds were floating. The new day come with more energy. Carl decided to be calm and peace. Don't imagine anything just enjoy the nature. He was evid to join office back after long time. He pretending to be normal but actually not. He went early at the office as he had to finish his pending work. Everyone wished him and asked about his holidays. Carl didn't had idea what to say. He just smiled looking at the faces and shared snippet of bakery products which he buyed for everyone. Even the special gifts for Ela and chocolates he had shared with all half hearted. The day seems busy for him. Ela, came in office and was happy to see Carl and said finally.... she said listen carl today we have a long dinner break be ready. Carl said ok. She hugged him and begin work. As she was excited, she can't wait till dinner and holded Carl's hand ✋ and went pantry. Carl shared chocolates with her.

Ela, how was the holiday?

Carl, it was good and you?

Ela - I missed you and glad to see you back..

Carl didn't seem happy. She asked, something happened with you?

Carl just smiled and said you were about to share something.. Ela, ohh yes..

she begin her story. Peter is my old friend. We were friends earlier. I had a thought earlier he is a genuine guy but was unable to make a decision. We had spent dinner and tea breaks together. Carl said Peter. The guy who is in customer service. He is our colleague. Ela smiled and said yes he is the one. He came to me after you went to holidays. We spent sometime together at office. He came to pick up and we went to park. He buyed a corn 🌽 for me then we went to a cafe and ordered coffee and had a long chat. I introduced you to him. As Ela continued her schedule he said just to be to point. Did he proposed you?

Ela suddenly feel a low sound. She felt something is not good. And she confirmed yes he proposed and I said yes... and we are in relationship today. Carl wishes her and went back to the work. She understood well something went wrong. She began to tease Carl as she used to do with him but he was not in a mood. Carl requested his manager to change a place. The manager accepted his request and said you can sit there in the middle as the place is vacant. I will named you there. Carl smiled and the day come to end. Carl come back to home 🏠 Ela called him but he didn't picked a call. She also had sent messages but he didn't replied.

Carl felt.. it's her life and she has all rights to choose her companion. I should be with her as a friend. The next day Carl moved to his new place and Ela was upset with him as she wanted to talk with him and shocked with his movement. She tried to make a conversation with him but Carl wasn't interested. On the second thought he decided to be just friends. A week was over and they both didn't shared a single word. Finally Carl him on weekend but ela didn't asnwered her call. He waited for whole weekend but she. didn't replied. Carl thought maybe she is not in a mood to talk with him. Here, ela shared her pics with Peter as they went for sea side to enjoy. Carl get disturbed. He decided let's have a normal conversation just like friends and he texted her. She replied within a minute"okay".

The meet at the office and smiled but the bond which they used to shared earlier has collapsed. Instead of Carl she began to spend time with Peter. Carl was being avoided all the time. He missed her as she is in the front row but still can't talk.

All this continued for six months. They barely had a conversation.

To be continued.....