

Indians and our ways
“I was told
emotions are unreal. I was convinced that happiness wasn’t for everyone. I was proved to that crying was wrong. I was never asked to speak my heart out. Good behaviour and trying not to waste money was everything . Sorrow meant nothing . Only physical damage was called “hurt”. Crying was not considered serious. Emotional breakdown was not grave but drama. Falling in love was a sin yet nobody told me what to do with the fresh feelings. Feeling beautiful was not important and self-confidence was never in my vocabulary.
I’ve been telling myself-
that a bad childhood is common and that it is overrated.
That it was okay to not have toys . It was okay to not have friends of own choice. It was okay to watch parents fight and witness mom cry.
It was okay to cry yourself to sleep because crying was meant for nights. One of the first hacks I learn was to hold back tears and hiding them. It was okay to not be happy for a huge phase of your life. And it was okay to not have a complete family. Food didn’t matter, having food did. As long as you’re alive, you’re fine
© Geeps
#India #Childhood #Badchildhood #middleclass #sterotypes #Gee