

Brother Makes Sister Happy
It was July 2 1988 Frederick was 73 years old and his sister Martha Lou was 85 years old. One day Frederick came to see his older sister he could see that something was bothering her she looked sad. Are you alright Martha Lou? Frederick ask no I am not I am sad nobody does nice things for me I don’t see nice people anymore, nobody likes talking to me, and nobody cares about me I cry everyday in fact my birthday is coming up soon and nobody probably won’t even care to show up I just wanted to give up on life replied Martha Lou. Frederick was very hurt he doesn’t like seeing his sister looking sad and he doesn’t like hearing his sister talking horrible about herself. That day on Frederick was thinking how he could make his sister feel happy he thought and thought all day and all night he even thought the next day that day Frederick prayed and he kept on praying one day GOD answered Frederick’s prayer he wanted him to throw a party for his sister because her birthday was coming up in three days and he wanted him his sister to get together for his sister’s birthday party. That day Frederick didn’t tell Martha Lou about his plan that he had for her. When Martha Lou’s birthday came Frederick went to go pick up his older sister and brought her over to his house. When they both got to his house then Frederick told Martha Lou everything. Is this surprise party really for me? Martha Lou ask yes it is I planned it for you I love you big sis replied Frederick. Thank you Frederick this is lovely said Martha Lou and that day Martha Lou enjoyed her birthday party with her young brother Martha Lou finally found out who loves and cares about her it was her brother and Martha Lou felt very happy indeed.
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