

An angel in the face of devil (part I)
Long before the era of human, God and the Goddess of creation (Supreme Diety) had their first child Amanadeal an angle which resulted in formation of universe also known as big bang. This angel possessed power that was beyond known.
They lived happily in the heaven also known as the silver city. Following the event they got two more sons Yuriel and Samiel (Lucifer Morningstar) and 2 daughters Azrael and Ramael.
But as a result of these child a multiverse was also formed which was at the beginning a void until the God of Creation thought of starting a plan (Project Humanity) but this project made him so busy that he completely forgot his family which led Samiel to rebel against his dad (God) at that time humanity was formed and God has prepared Hell for sinful humans. As a result of Samiel’s rebel God banished him from heaven for all eternity and made him the king of Hell to punish sinful souls. At that a weapon known as Xenoblade which was considered to be a God Slayer was stolen by Samiel to deal with his dad but together with his sons and daughters God was able to snatch that blade from Samiel and destroyed that blade so that nothing like that can be ever again attempted.
At the same time in a parallel universe instead of making humanity God created Dragons. While making Dragon a power source known as Arifar Pearl was created which was supposed to be the centroid of the dragon universe but one of the dragon which was considered to be the dragon king planned on betraying god by obtaining power of Arifar pearl for himself. Arifar Pearl also grants immortality which made itself more of a center of attraction.
But God came to know of this plan sooner than the dragons have anticipated. As a precaution God took Arifar Pearl and sealed the Dragon King in the Pearl and tossed in the centroid of all parallel universe known as the Tower of Babel.
When all of this was happening the first human to be on earth Adam was created and as a partner associate Eve was also made by God. But while God was busy in dealing with the dragons, Samiel and Eve started a love story making Eve the first love of the Devil. But when God came to realise this God sealed Samiel in Hell for a thousand year it was this time when he came to be known as Lucifer Morningstar or The Devil. As being trapped in hell for thousand year Lucifer created demons which were supposed to be his minion in punishing humans. By the end of thousand year many sinful souls of humans have arrived in hell which were continuously tortured till their eternity. Being bored by living in hell for almost thousand year Lucifer planned on getting out from hell and take a tour of the universes created by his father. But this didn’t meant that his anger for his dad has been dissolved in fact within the span of this thousand year the anger for his dad grew more and more as hell is place where inner emotion are pulled.
During his tour of the universes he came to realise the first person to commit crime named Cane was punished by God making him immortal and making him loose all his loved ones one by one only leaving him behind forever.
After that he visited the dragons universe where he came to know about the entire Arifar incident that occurred over thousands of year early. Then Lucifer was amazed by seeing that the dragons were able to recover half of the dragon king’s body without getting attention of the God. Due to the anger towards his dad Lucifer planned on keeping this secret from the God. Later he went on to different universes and on one tour he stumbled on the centroid of all universes The Tower of Babel where he got the Arifar Crystal. He took the crystal in hoping that would come in use in taking his revenge from God. But taking the crystal cost him his immortality the body in which Lucifer’s soul was residing lost his mortality but his soul was immortal. He planned on making a talisman which would allow his soul to transfer into a human body worthy of his soul when the need arrives. Even though Lucifer’s body became mortal due to his celestial power his body remained for another thousand year. After this his body was done with and his soul was locked in hell as he had only one chance to leave hell in soul form to get another carrier body for his soul. He kept that chance for searching a perfect body which would suffer from same kind of rebellious feeling that Lucifer suffered and wanted to be the devil instead of a good one. But unfortunately no one existed and as the time flew 21st century arrived.
And soon a child was born which was chosen by Arifar Pearl to be the bearer of the power and soon that child was marked by the Arifar’s Power. This interested Lucifer into keeping a track of him. As a fate for Lucifer cracks in that kids rebellious feeling against his family grew the same and he started praying devil and wanting to become one instead of a good person which made him a perfect candidate for Lucifer so that he can come to live world but he had to wait for the time till he become on a perfect age that is 16 Years. By the time the boy turned into 16 years he had boiling rebellious feeling and left his home for good and later Lucifer transmuted his soul into that boy but Lucifer decided on corporate with the boy’s soul and help him achieve his goal. And the entered into a mutual understanding making a deep relationship between two souls. Lucifer celestial power helped the boy in human culture and activities like studies, job, etc. and later Lucifer started training the boy to use his celestial powers, to fight, to use the flame of hell known as Hell Fire, and also the entire history and the reason he is so special. At that time Lucifer’s elder brother Amanadeal visited Lucifer and he was shocked seeing that Lucifer's candidate is an Arifar chosen. At that time only the dragon king was reborn and started sending minions to earth to take the Arifar Pearl it was then when God was sealed in the silver city and he could not control anything.
And soon 10 years passed on and later that boy’s brother’s marriage invitation came to him by the time that boy was the owner of the top 10 hospitals of the world and top 52 club of the world. The reason that the boy attended the marriage was because the trace of dragon king could be found on the venue where the marriage was organised. He decided on going to the marriage and trace that essence of dragon king. He went there and soon after the marriage the venue was attacked by an imposter of Amanadeal Lucifer started fighting spreading his black wings. Fighting that imposter real Amandeal appeared and saved that boy’s family by stopping time. And Lucifer slayed that imposter which turned out to be a goblin which were made from the blood of dragons. The boy’s family was shocked seeing this whole incident and they were later explained by Amanadeal. Dropping the boy’s family safely Amanadeal and Lucifer went on to find the Azreal’s blade which was hidden on earth by the the daughter of god Azrael. Which was actually a remnant of the Xenoblade. To prevent Lucifer having Xenoblade God divided that blade into three different parts and made them relics of this human world. Making one part as Azrael’s blade second part in Pyramid of Giza and the third part in the first Roman Catholic Church. Lucifer and Amanadeal gathered all three part and joined them to reform and forge the old legendary Xenoblade. Lucifer in the body of a human went after the dragon-verse where the dragon was being resurrected and found that the King is almost resurrected so he is the one controlling the attacks on Humanity.
© Broken Dior