

Not Playing Well
In my observation I have found that there are some birds that I don’t particularly care for. I care about them but like some people they have some issues with getting along with those around them.

Crows, Mockingbirds, and Roosters just to name a few. My reasons are few but definitely valid.
Let’s not waste any time getting to the root of the problem. I hate cowards punks, big-mouths and just plain, those who are wrong.

I know hate is a strong word but I don’t like bullies and these birds fall into that category. I also have very little compassion for cowards and that is what bullies are. It’s a sign of insecurity and needing to be superior in some way compared to others.

Usually that means easy targets; those who are considered weaker in someway to one’s self. It’s called grabbing for the low hanging fruit because if it takes too much effort, it takes away all the fun and that is definitely no fun.

That being said, let’s get back to those birds. Crows are just not my favorite; they’re loud and obnoxious as I’ve stated before. Did you know they eat the eggs and young of other birds? Isn’t that considered cannibalistic?

Mockingbirds are just annoying; they like to pretend they’re other birds by imitating how they sound. Copycats should be their natural predators. Wouldn’t that be ironic? At least it would make a very humorous story; a cat that is able to copy the sound of a bird.

Roosters are my personal nemesis (a story for another time) only because I’ve had numerous bouts with these creatures. They like to sneak up on you for their attacks; waiting for you to turn your back on them. Let’s not forget wanting to be a glorified alarm clock; we’re talking about the ones that can actually tell time.

So all I can say is sue me; I consider them all a nuisance. I’m sure they’re useful in their own unique ways…BUT! They all fall under the category of not being able to play well with others but have decided to make the world their personal playground.

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