

How the mighty fall
Human propensity for adventure is deep rooted , a society based on peace and comfort is soothing to the eye yet we create the very disasters we dread. Man has come a long way from being a cave animal, today we are in a time where even we are trying to land on mars and colonise the galaxy. However between all this we have created problems for us that we shall be unable to solve in the near future. People today value money, power , and worldly goods more than intellectual development and social intercourse. This has resulted in enormous friction in the society which can be seen today in the widespread polarisation. We are unable to accept views of others and standing for the truth is no longer an obligation for us, rather we feel it to be a duty of someone else. That someone is never going to show up and until that time, the weak shall be trampled and the oppressor will continue his act unabated.
Internet and other such invention have been a boon for human society whilst being a bane as well . From managing to bring together lost families to providing food and healthcare to millions across the globe, internet has done it all. Yet despite all the good it has given humanity it has given its share of evil too. Man today has fallen into the gaping hole of hedonism and keeps plunging deeper and deeper day by day. Lust & greed run supreme now, virtues like Love, Grace, Passion , Ethics & morality are just some things on papers and no one seems to take them seriously.
Those who think that it is just a normal change which society has witnessed just like all the other times, like that of the industrial revolution or the invention of steam engine are either being too naive or ignorant of reality. None of the revolutions of past have had such an impact of human behaviour and human approach. If all this has given a blow to our moral setup , the next big thing in the technological arena, that is Artificial intelligence is going to sound the death knell for it. without doubting the potential of good for AI , the disaster it can bring is unimaginable.
The insatiable desire of humans will be fed by AI at an unprecedented rate and when Man will come to realise about this futility of chasing desire, violence will ensue for it's the basic instinct of humans. How ironic that we all create with our very own hands the things we dread.

All being said, it is no doubt that we are at a critical junction in the History of Mankind and it remians upto us, we the Humans to pick ourselves up and drag us out of the oblivion and reach new horizons of peace , progress , love and much more. However that would require men of character and strong will, who unfortunately are no where to be seen
© aadil wani