

The Black Beauty
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush.
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for her and she would not miss this for anything in the world. The black commander dozed off and all the black nights guarding her went for a break.
She hid herself in the bushes so that even a grasshopper can't differentiate her from the green.
With her bright green eyes and dark green gown that was several shades loser than her skinny body, she had no problem in observing her surroundings because she camouflaged well.
Everything seemed to go according to her wishes. After many years of prayers the gods were on her side.
She started moving towards the black iron gate that seemed to be her gate to the heaven from the hell. It was a dream come true for her.
She quickly walked on the muddy path, which was the work of recent monsoon rains, and touched the black gates with hesitation. She was afraid that it would be one of her good dreams and soon the black nights would pour cold water on her, demanding for answers that she was unaware of.
The black gate had a smooth texture which was a total contrast to her life.
The scars in her body and taints in her pure personality are the live examples of the torture she endured like a brave soldier she is.
Just when she was about to push the door two black night guards came out of no where to catch each of her weak arms.
She trashed fighting their hold even though it was futile.
The Black commander came and stood infront of her flaunting her failed attempt to escape.
"Queen, you can't escape this place now or never. Don't make us punish you. We don't ask for more. You just have to answer a few questions. Then you can maary our Black king. Our king would treat you like the Queen you are." The Black commander told her.
She whispered something in her small broken voice. if not for the Blacks sharp hearing they would have never heard her. She whispered, "Never".
It was enough for the Black Commander to bring her back to her hell. They pushed her inside a room but it was not her familiar one. This was grand and had windows. She was tempted to jump through the window but one look at the height, she discarded that idea.
She was informed by a Black night to get ready. She had no idea for what, but obliged. She was given a Rose eligent and beautiful dress that reached her knees with matching pearl earrings and heart shaped necklace.
You may wonder why is a girl being tortured in an unknown place but she knows this system better than anyone.
The Black kingdom is a powerful one in the current world. The name 'black' signifies their fierce fullness and voilent behaviour. The black Commander is the King's second hand and Black nights are guards of the kingdom. As of the Black King she just knew that he wanted to marry her after asking her some questions.
She was just some normal 18 year old orphan girl but the Black King has to appear out of the blue, kidnap her and torture her.
She don't know whether she would survive or not but she is sure that she would never marry a monster like Black king who claims that he wants to marry her but tortures her daily.
She had no idea Why?
After getting ready she was escorted by two Black nights to another grand room which was bigger than the previous one.
There was he, The Black King. With his 6'5 height he towered her 5'2 size. He had a flowless fair skin contrast to her dry and dull skin.He wore a White suit which complimented his muscular body. He turned towards her and gave her a full blown smile that reached his eyes. It reminded her of herself before she was kidnapped and it pained her heart to face him, she looked away from him.
He walked near her and asked her a question, "How are you my dear Queen?"
It was enough for her to blast him, "You come into my life unannounced, kidnap me for no reason, claim that you want to marry me, then ask me questions that I have no idea about , torture me for not answering them for God only knows how many years and now you stand before me in all your handsome glory asking me How am I. Don't you have eyes. I am horrible and my soul is tainted. All because of you." she yelled at him and she was not able to stop her tears anymore. Years of torture showed its effect by successfully breaking her.
He looked heart broken and guilty. He immediately engulfed her in a hug. She fought his hold but he was stronger. She cried in his arms and he cried with her.
"I am sorry you had to go through that my Queen. I don't know you were tortured my little flower. It was all my Step-mother" he finally confessed and she gasped.
"She never really liked me. After my mother's death, my father married my Step-mother. From then she hated me. To top it all, she is infertile which amplified her hatred for me. As soon as my father's death she took over the kingdom and banished me. She made sure I don't get anything that I have ever wanted. I was on constant run until I saw you in a coffee shop. for the first time in my life I wanted something. Your smile gave me a hope that I can be loved in this cruel world. My Step-mother somehow got to know this and planned to kidnap you. So I kidnapped you before and left you in my secret palace which is Black fist, this place. I left to collect army to fight my Step-mother but using my away time my Step-mother tortured you using my name. Even though I killed her she still successfully ruined my life" he confessed everything and cried on her shoulders.
She remained speechless. Her heart bled for the child in him. That moment she decided she would give her everything to him for the rest of her life. She wanted to drown this man in her love.
She removed herself from his embrace and lifted his face. The sight of his face broke all her hatred for him.
She smiled at him and asked him, " What is your name?"
He chuckled before replying, "John Knight".
She smiled and wiped his tears. Her next few words Made his life a pure bliss, "John Knight, I am in love with you."
He looked at her unable to believe her. he lifted her if the ground and twirled her. She laughed after so many years. For him, her smile and laughter was his life achievement.
He placed her down before replying, " I have always loved you my Queen, with everything I have."
For him she was his Queen,for the Kingdom she was their BLACK BEAUTY.

© Love