

God Chose me part 2
A year later after I had my encounter with Jesus and told me things, I started to have dreams of the end times, and being a 12 year old boy seeing demons and the world on fire and people dying and just chaos, it scared me, so I prayed to God and ask why are they so scary and why me. He told me "they are not supposed to scare you, they supposed to prepare you and to tell people of them, when you get older they will be more detailed and feel more real, I'm only showing you what I know you can handle because I will never show you anything you can't handle."
Once I got an understanding of what I was seeing I wasn't afraid anymore.
These dreams happened only a few times when I was 12 and stopped when I was 13, At the age of 13 I started having different dreams, one dream I saw myself on a stage making people laugh and them cheering, an other was me marrying someone. Then next year at 14 all the dreams stopped and I didn't have anymore, I started to get picked on a lot in Junior High I started to get depression and all the way till when I was 16 in high school I started thinking about suicide and also the thought of shooting people that hurt me and made fun of me.
My mom found out that I had those thoughts she started praying for me and the pastor at church started praying for me and those thoughts went away.
I wanna say I was about 18 when dreams of the end times started to come back, in this particular dream I was with Jesus and his angels and I was fighting along side them, I had a sword and armor, as I went to spush a demon into the pits of hell, he grabbed my arm and wouldn't let go so I kicked him to push him off as I pushed him off, his claws dug into my arm and left a deep scratches on my arm.
As I woke up I found six scratches on my left arm and six scratches on my right arm, The scratches stayed for two weeks, people asked me what happened and I told them the whole dream.
After that happend I started to have the vision dreams when I was awake, I would be sitting in a chair and all of a sudden i would hear a loud trumpet and flashes of different things, then i would leave my body then i would see the world on fire people getting raptured and people screaming and crying, I saw 8 to 10 feet demons killing and raping people, people saying Lord save me, I saw Satan coming out of the ground flying and laughing, Then I saw a man on a white horse and millions upon millions of angels with him and then I see the final battle between God and Satan, Then I return to my body and very thirsty.
I continue having visions like this for a couple of years and they would be all the same every time nothing would change in these visions.
and then around 2010 I didn't have the visions as much, but I had a dream someone close to my dad like a family member dies, Well the next morning my mom and dad tell me my dad's brother Jimmy is in the hospital in a coma.
We go to visit him and I just couldn't go in the room I don't know why I just couldn't. A couple days later he died.
End of Part 2
© Jbo