

what happened part 4 : suicide watch ( based on true events)
I woke up cold and in the fetal position it was blurry everything was blurry my mind couldn't think of what happened for about 30 seconds and then it hit me....."I'm fucked" I screamed and as I paced around my new 8x8 home I thought of everything, my mistakes , my accomplishments over the past three years and I just can't believe I'm here in this position i'v been good I never me to do this but I realize there is nothing I can do I'm helpless and scared for a moment till I here a loud echoy clacking of a metal door opening and a officer comes to my cell and says.."detective Weights and detective heavy would like to talk to you" I got up with no response and flopped my hand out the cold bars in a way that the officer can cuff me and escort me to the integration room.

I walked in to a different room unlike any other interagation room I have seen, I seen a big man with a 2000$ suit on he got up shook my hand and said "we need to get to the bottom of this ok Travis" and I broke down sobbing and crying . I wasn't making sense as I blurted out what happened and they kept me talking with all sorts of questions."Did you see the dog there "
"how did Ronald get to his bed"
"where and why did you punch him"
"why do you have scratches all over you on you arm and below your arm and on your belly"

I broke and answered all the question s on point they informed me they talked to Pierre before me and everything added up ,and Pierre is free to go but I will be charged with 2nd degree murder good luck and be on your way.

I walked back to the cells with a rookie cop working the cells I thought about hitting him with both hand cuffed in front of me stealing his gun and going crazy trying to get out but that quickly left my mind as he said "I can't believe that happen to you buddy ,I will tell you I been around that guy when he is violent and he wasn't good news". ....I paused and replied " does it make a difference "and it was a cold silence as we walked back to the cell and he locked me in and walked away saying " good luck buddy good luck"...


I walked into my cell and despite what is happening my stomach turns and and my mouth was dry, I think of that last beer I had the suds flowing down my throat and I snap out of it as a officer walks up and says "hey you hungry ....." he pauses and ways for me to answer ."Ya I'm a little hungry more thirsty tho" he tosses a granola bar and a juice box in the juice box broke when it hit the ground good thing I quick.I snatch it up and rip the top of and dri k it like I was in the desert for a week.the guard looks back and says " you'll get a good jail house meal as soon as transport shows up for you shouldn't be long, then you will have a good meal" he laughed and walked away I heard him for what felt like minutes just laughing and walking. the clanking of his cuffs or something and I lay down curl up on my tempary cold bed and wonder what jail might be like. yes I got in a lot of trouble as a kid but I never have seen a "big boy " jail and my mind spins like a hamsters wheel.I think about all the people I have problems with and have caused problems with as a kid.and I come to the conclusion to sleep and not think about it to much till I get there . I'm awake and waiting to get shipped out of this holding cell and thank God it doesn't take long (kinda weird when your happy to go to jail but it's a whole lot better then that cell.they shackle me and I walk down a long hall to where I got brought in the bailiffs grab my property and throw me in the daddy wagon .and as I crawl in I see three other people and they shackle me to them like a chain gang and there I sit in my new life wondering how and where this might all go