

Her Eyes Were Clouded
Her Eyes Were Clouded

She couldn't see..She was one of them now.

It worked out for them..the more vulnerable one..the one who would more than likely say yes to everything. They successfully hypnotized her, fed her their Bible so long she started to believe it..Her eyes were clouded. She could no longer see for her ownself..and neither could the ones guiding her. She was one of them. The others were more relaxed to find out that they all were in the same situation..their issues were now hers too.

As she went she felt sick by the spirit and physically she knew that her eyes were indeed cloudy.

They encouraged her and told her that she didn't need to see to continue to take their hand and walk with them.

She was uneasy the further she got..she didn't know where she was..she didn't know where she was heading and she never liked the way that felt..

On she went................

On "their" journey or her own?


December 20th 2019