

#Fictional #Ghost_Story
It can happen anywhere when we don't realize or when we don't bother to care about their existence , we can't even see them from our open eyes but we can feel their existence. Mid night bring this things more prominent specially when we are in sleep or by chance if we miss any vehicles during our journey and walking alone on an empty street, or when we are alone in the room... even when we are in the shower_room ,they exist silently everywhere without our notice and they just don't need any permission to enter.

Yes it's midnight , two lovebirds Rosalin(Wife) and Max(Husband) sleeping in their room. Their house located in the middle of the deep forest...and outside there was a small pond and that gives the whole place a magnificent look. Max (Rosalin's husband) suddenly started to sweat, and wake up from bed. Rosalin saw max feeling little uneasy, she brought a glass of water, Max drank it and told that he forgot to lock the main gate, he'll be back within a few minutes. Max was so afraid when he was stepping down slowly from staircase and heforgot to switch on the light .He's now in the middle of the staircase , just few steps away from the main door, it was half opened. He somehow reached there and panting heavily in nervousness, he had both lock and key in his hand but in hurry he dropped the key on the floor , the room was so dark he couldn't even manage to find the key and when he was trying fast to search that key from floor, suddenly his eyes noticed a long hair lady from that pond is smiling at him and calling his name "Max". He was become so mesmerized , stood up and unknowingly walking fast towards that lady. It was midnight and in the sky half moon appeared and adorned the beauty of the night . Max wife Rosalin started to feel restless when Max took so long time to come back and without thinking much she took out a torch before she going down near that main gate. Suddenly her eyes seized to see a dreadful view from the upper window near that pond a lady with white gown and long hair spreading her hair so far on the ground and was trying to pull her husband into that pond but her face was not seen only her long hair seen just like a Rapunzel from the backside. Rosalin understood and was shivering in fear after seeing this view but somehow got ready to save her husband's life. That unknown lady is an evil spirit every night that comes out from that pond to hunt for fresh blood and human flesh.But where's Max? Max was laid down unconsciously on the ground and when he back to his sense saw that he's bleeded badly and from his hand flesh drooping and blood from the wound make a mark on the ground and that unknown lady continously biting his fingers one after another, he screamed out in fear and that pain makes him weaken gradually with time. Rosalin reached to the main get and saw her husband screaming in pain lying near the pond. She immediately took hot water bucket in one hand and a cross in another hand .She became so devastated that without thinking twice poured the whole bucket of hot water on her long hair and immediately that ghost started to scream and that skin and body started to melt and red eyes started to burst out like a bubble although that devil soul trying to attack Rosalin repeatedly, that time rosalin took the name of almighty god and put forcefully that cross in the devil's body. Max suddenny (Rosalin husband )regained his sense and that wound suddenly got disappeared after that devil's soul disappeared in air her body dissolved in soil.
