

You will be found
If you feel like you don't know where your heading and your quite lost... Just ask, "Does anybody have a map?".
If you feel like your alone and no one hears you out.. just remember your not "Waving through a window" because you will always be heard.
If you have a heavy heart and your grieving, sing your "Requiem".

You dont have to wait for something or someone to like you if you want to tell them something, stop contemplating "If I could tell her/him".
Do not worry if you're just that barely in the background kind of guy because you matter, everyone does... just believe that no one deserves to be forgotten, and no one deserves to "Disappear".

Everything has a process that is really quite precise, so learn how to "Break in a glove".
There is "Only us" in this world... so maybe everything we do should be "Good for you", good for me and you.

Sometimes, our "Words Fail", sometimes we feel "So Big, So Small".

But at the end of the day, you just have to be yourself. Be true to yourself...

No hiding.
No lying.
No secrets.
Just be true to yourself.

At the end of everyday, you'll see that you matter.... and that "YOU WILL BE FOUND".