

life is a game, just need to Learn how to play it.
Nothing is exciting in life, if there is no fun. Life is a game just need learn how to play. If you played nicely you won otherwise your opponent will take the chance. People always says that there is destiny behind the all story. with whom we meet or till when we will stay or they stay, it's nothing like that yeah might be there is destiny but we only decide and when we failed in it only stop to go forward and take the another one chance because we thing it was our mistake, but if you will think deelpy then you got to know it was your choice and choices varies time to time so think that let's take another chance why you got hurt yourself for no reason, and by the way in this whole world nothing is permanent then what you are waiting for there is not anything which would be permanent and that will come for you. Everything is temporary even your life and we just lost our time to thinking and waiting for the permanent things which is not even true. The true thing is what you are doing right now what you want in your life. Life is all about just living. The true is this moment in which you are living. Just capture it just welcome it for open arms. And say loudly this is me with full of confidence, just love yourself. 😊

I learned one thing In my life that trust is everything never break it or loose it. But I have trust issue, I hardly believe people. Coz if it's break you can't make it again yeah you can give chance but can't trust like before you did. Coz once the things break you can't attach that , if you try to attach then there will be a mark which will remain forever. If the same thing will happen again you will definitely remember that past one which happened before.
© Shreezasoni