

Think twice before investing on Love
A lost thought or now a vision,
Was it the feel of love or a bleak makeover with the situation,
Whatever may be but what walked with her as dominating reflection of dreams, and there she too felt complete,
But as times unfold and a creepy surprise of masked roles, she sees the glory of truths, shaky but heart feels the break of a nook,
All those vanities feel a foolish rivalry meant for destroying her mindset just with artificial looks,
She yelled out her agony, but nobody picks the call momentum of her loss,
Some undefined moments gradual with time become memories and she locks them in the dark closets, never to follow the heart a guideline followed so fiercely and strong.
Ultimately, as time unfolds it's the knock of history repeats it's chapters again, and once again there true love sounding crystal clear keeping her away from devastated fear breaking slowly into the restricted walls of rules, making her feel like a goddess of the new moon, 'Bulge away' a voice from the from heart says, but the visions of illusions blindfold and play the dirty game of Love again, and as she peddled from the dunes of sand to lush of waves looking at him from dawn to dusk forgetting he could again be her name reason heartbreaks, but scoundrel's heart speaks of Love deviating her from the origins of the path. Soon there is the dancing of hearts and fleet of rejoicing the mind to going spellbound on every hard trial. She tunes to his levels, day and night singing his praise and visions become bleak, was he using her for a climax she being the queen of fortunes. As venom having a slow reaction, she was lost in her own maze.
One day as she must have been destined she walked on her old closet of meeting her 'X' and soon in a flash of seconds the strain of pain crossed her mind and as a spell is broken she realizes the broken pieces of her heart still carried a theft pain of past. But he too was a gullible person tried his old ways to please his maiden again. But her illusion of past and present was broken. She ran out of their visions locking her self from the mockery of her weak heart and a pale sulked face was she the one who used walkout her self with grace.
What had these men turned her to?
Was she women of dignity or now a leftover pie?
Whom anyone could raise hand skillfully and she their relished prey of sight. As thoughts made her mind into giant leaps of where she stood, what was she thinking will there be a knight of a savior to come from the dense woods, Oh! "How dreadful this all has been", The harsh truth revealed men never had taken her seriously, she was just a promissory note for each got for casting their vote. She yelled out her pain, " Where are you, my Lord", can you hear my pleas but there was the silence of nights and her disillusioned minds, and as she sat there all in sobs not knowing what to do blank to mind recalls, until the dawn of first rays of the sun rushed on from her windows. As she helpless got up from the bed as if out from storms as if given up on all the notions to life, telling herself now " No I can't be a loser, nor am a trophy to be won by any man with pride". Walking off from bedside stood in front of reflection in the mirror, " I can't give up on life and men who have used me for their own selfish motives am gonna be fierce as a lioness and revenge will be hidden in form of my Love for they will repay the price of treating her heart like a toy and treat
her just dirt, and there was a mission which she took over a pioneer of success for no woman is weak and when she stood for rights to justice and for self-esteem pride.