

Push the Envelope. Prolouge.
"Just let me take care if him for a while. Besides, you never had a really short vacation so whether you like it or not, I'll take him from you."

I sighed and let my sisters take my son to the villa. They even went to my office just to plea. I don't want to let their efforts go to waste.

"Just promise me that-"

"Four scoops of powdered milk. Warm water but not too warm. Put baby powder when he changed his diapers."

"Don't let him borrow our phones and gadgets. No TV every two hours. Read him books."

"And put him to bed at exactly 6:00 pm. We all got it, Lena. Just take a short break and go look for some daddy. We'll take a good care of Ronin."

I rolled my eyes and shushed them away from my office.

"Fine fine. Can you two please take your leave? I've got lots of things to do and looking for the thing you called 'daddy' isn't my priority for now."

Caret just rolled her eyes and gave me an annoying lecture as if she knows what she's saying. I just nodded and convinced them to leave me alone and take Ronin from her nannies before I change my mind.

I continued working and decided to take overtime. I just can't stop working. Especially when Ronin came. It's like, I need to work all day and produce lots of money for him. I want to give all the best things for him.

My mind shifted when I heard a knock on my door. Weird that there's still some employees at this time. I mean, deadlines are getting near and I can already feel how pressured they are but it's almost midnight.

"Thought I'll find you here."

"Oh, it's just you. What now?"

Wei gave me a small smile. I don't know if I should be happy or what and his aura feels something I can't describe.

"They found him."

He gently pushed the brown envelope to me. He gave me a smile before he leave. I just watched him and accepted the envelope. What's wrong with him? Who did he found?

"King Henry Sy."

My eyes widened when I saw his bio-data.

His chiseled jaw. His blonde hair. His almond shaped-blue eyes. God knows who this man is. How did- Wei? How did he know? Why? I mean, why did he look for for him? I never mentioned Henry to him.

The phone suddenly rang and I quickly answered it.


Oh my god, that voice!

"Is this the Diaz?"

Fuck. I don't know what to say! Cat already got my tongue and my throat's feeling dry. How should I respond to him?

"Umm, I want to set an appointment as soon as possible. My apologies for waking you up this late. I just don't think that I can wait a little longer."

I bit my lip and tried my very best to reply.


And the call ended.

I'm damned.