

143 "Goodbye, Beloved" Part 7
As the two made their way out of the woods, they passed a convoy of police vehicles racing in the opposite direction. The sirens were deafening. Meanwhile Monte was being transported to the precinct as well, seated in the backseat of the radio car.

"How bad is it?" He asked the officer in front.

"They've gone to the cabin to search the place," he answered, "...maybe it's time you tell us everything sir".

Monte looked at him daringly through the rear view mirror.

"It all started a year ago. There was a robbery, you know the very same one I'm talking about; 12.8 million dollars stolen from a certain businessman who later ended up dead. What you don't know is that he and I had history, he abused a lot of people with his power.. myself included. I always swore I would take everything he had including his life."

The officer, shocked at Mr. Langston's confession, struggled to find the words to answer.

"Err.. uhm" he started, but Monte continued blabbing.

"Ruth and I had a disagreement over the matter, she left when she found out I wasn't only after the money. His lawyer was next, they both had to pay for their sins.. him I burnt to a crisp... just like I did Caitie."

Suddenly, Monte was thrown into the grill that acted as a barrier between the front and back of the police car, the officer jammed on the brakes and pulled to the side of the road.

"The woman on the video? The informant??" He spun around to ask Monte face to face.

"Fuck! You idiot! ... yes.. her. After Ruth left I brought her in.. but when the police started getting close, she was the weakest link."

"So what the fuck happens now?"

Centering himself, he proceeded to answer the crooked cop.

"Well you're gonna take me in, and then we'll see, but since we've already stopped... you mind if I take a leak?"

A reasonable request; the officer thought right before letting Montgomery out of the car and removing his cuffs.

"Make it quick" he said, but to his own demise, tears came to his eyes and breath escaped his lungs as Monte drove his knee into his crotch. The officer fell to his knees as he struggled to unwrap his weapon, still unable to speak, yet again Montgomery drew his knee back and kicked him in the face allowing the law man to fall flat on his back. He was knocked out. Monte continued to help himself to his cell and dialed Ruth. Ruth was still on her way to the precinct driving behind her escort when she noticed Monte calling.

"Hello? Monte?!" The frantic psychologist answered.

"Hey, I'm sorry we didn't have more time Ruth." His voice sent shivering chills down her spine as she was still a tad bit anxious.

"Wha...  uh.. babe, don't worry about it... I'm on my way to the police station right now, we'll get through this."

"Doc... our week is basically over. I'm so sorry but I'm not going to the station."

Ruth started to let off the gas, "what do you mean? A Shadow showed up at the cabin, Ryuu, she said you were arrested and probably there already."

"Arrested, a bit.." He said, "the cop's taking a little nap on the side of the road, listen I can't hang around here much longer. Remember I told you at the end of our week that I was leaving?"

"Wherever you're thinking about going, I'm coming with you." Ruth answered with determination springing from her innards.

"I'm sorry, baby, you can't make this trip.. tell the police to come to the Hudson River, I've left a surprise for them. I love you, Ruth."

"143, Monte." She answered, "....I'll see you soon."

Ending the call abruptly, Monte's eyes were almost filled with tears, but without allowing them to fall he whispered "goodbye, beloved" and stole the police car. He raced to get to the river, knowing the police would soon be on him like a flock of birds to breadcrumbs. When he finally got there, he had a few minutes to spare. Slready hearing the sirens a far distance away, but getting louder by the minute, Montgomery found himself underneath the busy bridge and a few feet away from the water.

"So this is what it finally came to," speaking aloud to himself. He began walking into the water while reciting an old poem.

I can see myself going to the beach..
I lay on the sand with my eyes set on the horizon.
The waves tickle my toes..
I can feel the tranquility, how it transcends through my body.
I get up to enter therein, to the deepest end..
The water is at my throat and my feet begin to sink..
Leaning back, I become submerged in this watery grave..
My soul is finally free.


He had done it, Montgomery ended his own life, a silent promise to himself which eventually came to pass. The news had made the headlines on all platforms within a few hours, while Ruth weighed the balance between being emotionally broken and in denial. In a similar fashion she raced to the scene of the incident. Being inconsolable, she fell at the sight of Monte's likeness in a body bag laid next to the river, weeping and wailing.

Days had passed by, and on the morning of the funeral for Montgomery Langston, Ruth discovered that he had left a piece of him living inside her. She was indeed pregnant with his seed. However, that was only the beginning of Ruth's curse; the curse of knowing him and loving him. By the end of the service, she was received by a familiar face at the graveside.

"Ryuu, what are you doing here?" Ruth asked.

"Well it's not to pay my respects, Dr. Moore, I've come to take you in."

Ruth tried to sift through her emotions as she dried her eyes.

"What for?" She asked calmly while sniffling.

"Well this isn't usually my job but since half the police force is still dirty....Doctor Ruth Moore you are under arrest for aiding and abetting a series of known murders and armed robberies."

During ongoing investigations, the officer who was tasked with transporting Monte, was wearing a body camera that recorded all of Monte's witty confession which included Ruth's involvement. Her trial ensued for months and Ruth was sentenced in the next summer for a total of twenty years. She gave birth to a son whom she named "Monte Langston". Luckily the babe did not become a ward of the state, as full custody was given to Ruth's mother when he was born.

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