

Blind Love S1 E4
Casey didn't bother herself trying to lure Natasha out of the room but she couldn't stop thinking about the diary.When she got downstairs she saw John sitting on the couch using is phone .
"Hey John ,you're back?"Casey says.."well yh I guess so.How was babysitting Tasha"John says..."I didn't wanna say this but Natasha is one rude girl"Casey says... "So now you're gonna quit?I guess Natasha wasn't destined to have a babysitter"John says...."what do you mean?"Casey asks,"Well for the past year we've.... well I've been looking for a babysitter for Natasha"John says,"Why can't your mum take care of her?"...Casey asks "wait you want that woman....to take care of Tasha?"...John says...."well she is ur mum"Casey says...."Yes she is but she's not capable of being a mum.Anyways Tasha has a psychogical problem that she tends to copy whoever she spends time with the most.....and when she was a child,she spent a lot of time with my mum and my stupid older sister .... Natalie"...John says in a concerned voice......"So thats why she needs a babysitter not because she needs one but cuz she has to have one"Casey says...."exactly.Anyways thanks for your help today am sure you never wanna come back"John says..."no no am gonna come back here infact I can start living here well that's if u want me too?"Casey says......."YES YES,thank you so much Casey you're a life saver .You can move in tomorrow"John says

When Casey entered the house eshe figured no one one was inside meaning her mum and siblings hadn't come back from the restaurant.She decided to make her self PB&J mostly because that's almost the only thing they had left .She went to her room and starting packing her clothes when she heard a click on the door.She ran to the sitting room and saw some shadows ....who where this guys she thought she quickly snuck to the kitchen and grabbed a knife but by the time she got back to the sitting room no one was there again .Feeling scared she called her brother and he quickly came home."....I got really scared so I called you Casey said...." Are u sure it wasnt Kacie or Leo"Casey's brother (Aiden) says ......"Aiden,if it were Kacie and Leo they would tell me they were coming and they won't just leave like that"Casey says ....."Don't worry nothing well happen.So hoe did the interview go?"..Aiden asks ...."Well....like I said am babysitting and obnoxious little girl and I get to leave in their mansion starting from tomorrow."Casey says..
"Why do you have to leave there?"Aiden asks angrily..."Don't be angry big bro mThry girl has a psychogical problem so....she needs my help"Casey says...."and what will mum say when she hears of this?"Aiden says all of a sudden they hear a voice from the door"Hear what?"........

© queenie