

Don't judge appearences until you know their story
'A distant, habitable planet, a crew of six; three women and three men, a perilous journey.'
I read the news with a sinking heart. They were going ahead with the mission even though it was rife with danger... The zombies didn't care that you hate them. All they want was fresh blood and flesh to bite off. I couldn't think of anything else but revenge against the zombies. They killed my parents so that's why I am now a soldier. The news is just another safe area that think they are safe but then in the night they all turned into zombies. It was my groups turn to hunt down for food but today was my day off. I wished to go but I couldn't, I'm "on my day off". What I mean by day off it means in a meeting all day long with the mayor, captain of the soldiers, the one incharge of the health of everyone and a professional scientist. I am just a nobody. I don't understand why they want me in the meeting but I went. I was close to the door that I could hear them speak. I took a deep breathe and before I put my hand on the handle I could've sworn I heard my name. I heard that they wanted me to kill me. It was awfully quiet when I entered. Then I said " I would choose to die by a zombie and turn into one instead of being killed by all of you." I left after packing for my leaving. There was a knock on my door, then the other side said "Open the door, please!" I could reconise that voice anywhere it was the captain. I left out the window before he kicked my door down out of worry. I was on the second floor, it wasn't that high so I can jump off unharmed. I think he saw the window because the next thing I know I was staring at him then ran to the gates connected to the zombies new land. He was running after me but I was faster than him. Anger rising I ran as fast as I could so that he could lose me but he tricked me and I ran into him. He told me that he was going to say no to what they all said and that he didn't hesitate to go after me. I was still full of anger but managed to calm down a bit. I still ran even after what he told me but I was heading somewhere. My secret hideout. No one knew where it was but it was safe. I heard a creak and I go to check it out and it was the zombies. They wrote down what happened. Their children and families got kidnapped and they want them back. I asked them if they were harmless they said yes but they have to take things to dangerous measures because of this. I helped them find their children and families. After I ran away from the place and ended up living with zombies and it's fun. We had difficult times but went through them together and I even helped. Sadly my parents died from that same place where I was staying. I even made zombie friends and they are friendly to everyone. Eversince I left I learnt to not judge someone that quickly. There's a saying don't judge a book by it's cover until you know it's full story and I learnt a lesson or two from that.

Don't judge someone by their appearences because you never know what their story is, like the saying goes Don't judge a book by it's cover until you know it's full story.