

The Caged Peacock- Beauty lies within. Episode 4
What happened?
We were separated. I went to the same class with Zeenatu but they took me to the other class where I knew no one. None of my former classmates were there.I felt lonely at that point but I meet a nice and calm girl who was sorted next to me. Her name was Hikma. She introduced herself and I did Same. We did well together. We would read together, do our assignments, share thought, fight and reconcile.
At my first year, I was very aggressive with the people around because they use to insult and say bad things about me. I used to be sad but my friend would tell me never to worry and ask me to pull myself together. I guess I would accept it and move on. I used to be alone if Hikma wasn't there because I don't feel free with other people. They used to say I was arrogant and filled with pride. I would cry my eyes out because of the harsh words. Hikma would still sit me down an explain the need not to be distracted and I would accept it that way. Sometimes she would have arguments with people just because of me. My school then gave some set of students prefectship. They asked them to write why they need to be prefects. But this time being a prefect is not what I want. I wanted a simple life upon all they challenges I faced. So I wasn't prefect and I liked it that way.
At the end of the first term in the first year, I came first in my class. I was so happy. Hikma came second so we were both happy. The people in the other class had there eyes on it Because they believed I wasn't worth it. I was devastated and annoyed, there was nothing more saddening than that. I took it to myself. I would do better to the extent no one would say I wasn't worth it. Reading with Hikma was fun and rapid because we saw the need to improve and answer the questions of doubts that members of the other class were in. We were going to show them we were no match for them at all. We were better than them.
We would stay back to read and do assignments together. We gave each other assignments and explained it the next day. We became our teachers favourite because we would answer almost all questions in the class. What about Zeenatu? Zeenatu also made friends. But unfortunately she did with the bullies. I didn't like that but I had no other choice but to leave her alone.
We had our second term exams and......
To be continued
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© Dr Khushi