

The Simulation
"Yayy this is gonna be fun" my friends shouted. We were on our way to our first ever college trip. It was just a few outstanding students who were awarded with this little outing treat. Thank God all my friends were smart enough, I seriously couldn't survive with all these nerdy strangers. I guess we're nerds too but "cool nerds". After a whole 2 hour long journey we arrived at our destination, the spot was a hilly area, a place I've never seen before. But for some reason I weirdly felt connected to that place, I had a perplexed sensation about it. There was a gigantic rock, perfectly sliced in half, there were not so normal square shaped blocks carved on the smooth side and some arabic words were written inside each square. I couldn't understand what it meant and my lazy attitude didn't even bother to ask anyone. There were small food carts everywhere. I saw a really cool thing, a bus that was made into a small clothes and grocery shop, I went in there to take a peek, it was really cute. While I was roaming around I found myself not feeling good, there was this weird heaviness in my head, I felt like something's not right. I ended up physically shaking, I didn't told anyone because I didn't wanted to ruin everyone's day. I think it was some kind of anxiety attack, but why, why was it happening. At that moment I didn't know. One of my friend came up to me and was like "why are you roaming around like a ghost, come have fun with us" And I was like "eh I wanna spend some time alone". I was casually staring at people and I noticed one thing, I was so surprised and confused at the same time, everyone was sitting standing or walking in the form of triplets. There were triplets everywhere, not just triplets but identical ones. A set of three people looking exactly like each other. I took a walk away from the busy area, I couldn't bear the puzzlement anymore, my head was pounding with pain. But why didnt anyone else noticed that, am I tripping, I questioned myself again and again. I walked away from the crowd for a while, I couldn't bear this anymore. While I was walking, I saw a boy rushing towards me, he seemed very scared. He was almost my age, maybe a few years older, he was wearing a old money style suit with a black long coat, he was tall and had dazzling blue eyes. I felt like I know him, or maybe that I've met or seen him before. He barged into me, held my shoulders and said" this is important, you have to listen to me carefully, I know you are seeing all these triplets and feeling weird. I can see and feel it too, only we are the ones not programmed I guess. I know I'm gonna sound crazy, but we are in a simulation ". A simulation, I screamed, No way. "Calm down" he said. At next what he told me was crazy, he said "I know a way to escape this simulation safely, we will have to kill all these triplets around us, before they know that we're different, or else they'll kill us". I spoke with a shaky voice " I came here on a college trip, how can it be a SIMULATION!! ". He replied " do you remember your day before you were in the bus, do you remember when did you woke up, do you remember your breakfast, do you remember anything? " I was stunned, I tried hard to think, but oh my God! I couldn't remember anything at all. All I could think of was about the trip, my entire memory was stuck to that point. Wait! but what about my friends are they even real? Yes, he replied. They are real but they are programmed, they're being controlled by someone or something. He handed me a dagger and took one himself "we don't have time, we gotta go" he said. While we were walking back to the crowd, three women fully raged were rushing towards us, they attacked us, two of them tried to choke me and one of them was fighting with that guy. He stabbed her and helped me get the other two off of me. And like that, one, two, three, we killed all the triplets there, stabbing and slicing their throats. I couldn't believe my hands, I killed people, it's like something possessed my body. I noticed one thing, every person who came with me for the trip, they disappeared. After unaliving I panicked and I couldn't breathe. The guy, he calmed me down, he held my hand and we walked towards the bus. While walking I asked his name, he didn't reply, just smiled. We got into the bus, there was a girl sitting in the corner of the back seat, her eyes suddenly turned gray, the guy and I, we both collapsed and I heard a voice in my head "simulation two starts soon".

So this story was based on a dream that I had. I dream very deep and it's common for me to remember every single detail of my dream. I also wrote a poem describing this scenario called "Dream" I hope y'all will like it.
© ArtZee