

Lock of a Heart (Season 2) [Chap:7]
"You finally decided to wake up!" Col laughed. I was happy to see his smile.. "So tell me pretty boy, how did you climb into my bed." I said with a smile. He walked over to me and sat on the couch while somthing was cooking. "I got lonely and so I climbed into your bed but you weren't there so I fell asleep." He smiled. He looked so happy today and it made me feel some sort of way.. "did I ever tell you you snore like my uncle." I giggled. "WHAT, I SNORED!" He yelled. "Hey its alright, besides... You look adorable when you sleep.." I said softly. Col looked at me and smiled. "And you are cute when you sleep, your like a little stuffed animal." He laughed. I walked over to him and hugged him. "I'm glad I met you." I said. Col hugged me back and put his head on my shoulder. I thought to myself, are we considered even dating? But I'm to scared to ask him.. "I should finesh making breakfast, I am a good cook after all." He said. I smiled and walked to the living room and sat down. I turned on the tv. "sigh~" I went to go back to the kitchen. "Hey Col." I said. Col turned around "Whats up?" He asked. "I'm gonna go take a shower." I said. "Alright." Col said. I walked over to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I looked at myself in the mirror and thought, How did I ever find this guy..? 15 minutes later I got out of the shower and put back on my clothes. I wore shorts and a t-shirt. I walked out and walked to the kitchen. "sigh~ I feel better now." I smiled. Col looked at me and blushed. "How did I ever find a beautiful girl?" He asked as he smiled. I looked at him speechless. He looked at me and smiled. All I wanted was him to never leave my side.. He put his head onto mine and said "I'm glad I met you.." I looked down and blushed. He kissed my forehead and continued to cook. "We are having eggs, bacon, and toast by the way." He smiled. "Hey, Col...?" I said. I looked at him. "Yes?" He said. I hugged him and asked "are we considered together?" I asked.

To be continued.