

Reeta, Amazon Delivery And finding the Washer Room
Today she had ordered a package from Amazon,
because the Best Buy is away from her home,
she felt it's an easy option...!

But she forgot to pick it on time and
the order showed delivered but she didn't find anywhere in any corner!

She was little upset...
By that time a little boy peeped through her window and asked what happened?

She said...
It's Sunday... I am feeling disheartened,

I missed my delivery and I guess someone has stolen!

He laughed and said... He must have done for fun,
Or may be some other reason...
Look around... May be it's in the other side of the building...!

She looked around, going all ways down,
All the stair cases and homes around...
As the delivery man had posted picture of a staircase...
Where he had left the item.

Why don't you put there a note,
Suggested then the boy...
Showing her the staircase corner...!

To return it if someone has taken,
And wish friendship day to every Dushman...!

She laughed and then said let's try that,
That's a good suggestion!

She wrote a lovely thank you note,
wishing friendship day to everyone,
To return back the item...
It was fun... she felt she stole a moment of fun!

But still upset in heart,
How it got lost...
Tried to find reasons and saw the apartment number was missing in the address...

She tried once again to create a new one,
but no it's not showing up...
There is some bug in the application!

What to do, called the customer care,
As she has few more orders out of delivery in this beautiful morning!

The man picked,
Replaced her order and added notes to those on the way...
but took a while for that to happen!

She looked back at that boy,
He was sitting outside and having an orange with chubby cheeks.

He had seen her cleaning her clothes using a bucket,
as the washer and dryer are away in a room from the apartment...!

He had done all this,
So that to look for the order,
She will go down all stairs and
can find where is the mail room and the washing room particularly for that unit,
She realized again, everything happens for a reason and said Thanks to the Universe with everything with a whole heartedness!

#Kanha #Love #Life

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