

While contemplating about why my life sucks I had reached the girls locker room when I heard the most vile sound "AAA...mmm...yes" I've heard those moans before. It was my brother making out with his 'girlfriend' (yes I did do air qoutes). As I was turning back so I wouldn't get caught spyiy on them I heard my name "...Stacy or whatever her name is ...mmm.... should probably get some fun don't you think".He stopped and looked at her as if she was crazy (she is) "What ...are we thinking about the same brat that I live with!!".Did he just say brat ,I peek around the corner so as to see them better and hear about this 'brat'. Their just starting at each other until Courtney ....that's her name I guess I forgot to mention so...
"Yes .Her ,I meant as in humiliate her even more at Chad's party....",Chad's one my older brothers friends not that I think of him as a brother his more like the manwhore I live with,"...you know make some of your friends hookup with her and crush the last bit of her diginity".He kisses her fiercely and she complies without hesitation."I love it when you think menacingly",and thats my cue to get the hell out of there before my inocence evaporates completely.I run towards my brother's car and wait next hour for him ,even though I have gym I wanna use this time to put together my thoughts together .Their planning something big not just 'cause I heard them but because I know my brother once you help him set the wheels in motion there's no stopping them ,and I do mean help him you actually have to spoon feed him ideas that's why Courtney is his girlfriend (even though he brings other girls home ,not to meet our parents of whom are never home, but for the dırty deed ) I have to find a way to stop them from killing memoree, the bell rings and as students leave the building and spot my BROTHER (spencer that was his name) this time his with second hottest girl in school Evie ,I liked Evie not because she was pretty bit because she never had any bad intentions with me and always stands up for me and because shewont have the deed with him ,some say she still has her vcard and is not gonna give it to him of all people the dickhead of the school .As if knowing I'm thint about him he turns around his grey eyes almost silver and hishair the perfect shade of brown to black .While his almost pale gold skin shone brightly of his muscled body and there was something about his face that made my worry increase he was smiling at...I turn around (nothing)...me now I know there's something going on .I put on my headphones and wait for him by the car when he unlock s it I get in the back like always and I'm expecting him to start the car and the strangest thing happens he turns around now I'm recalling the last time he looked at was to tell me I had to walk home so I open the door not realising he was talking to me untill I was at the side walk and felt him pull my headphones off there goes Bruno Mars.
"I was talking to you" ,I blink im speechless again I turn around and again no one there knowing the expression ob my face I'm dumfounded ,so maybe if I missed something I turn around again this time I gaze in semi circles and turn arouy to face him ,I point to my chest .He laughs "Yes. Stacy I'm talking you", my jaw drops open and if it could it would be tounchiy the ground . "Your talking to me Stacy .Stacy Blanc"my jaw still on the ground in disbelief as I was about to turn my phone chimes it's Mark
you got detention remember
"Shit" and almost forgot about Spencer but he'll survive I run to Mrs.Hues class as fast as my legs can take me which is pretty fast . I get to her class before she checks that all the detanies are here I scan the room for Mark and I spot him in the back and when I sit next to him his wearing his I'm about to give you a lecture face After an hour of whisper yelling and MraHues whatever she was doing I turn to Mark who seems way better after yelling at me softly "Okay what happened",to get you up to date yes he was yelling at me which was code for she broke up with me(I know stupid) .His face goes towards a very dark shade of vermilion,oh ....his not angry his infuriated and just screams "ITS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS",and he runs of crying ,did I forget to mention his a homosexuall (I know FUN right). Making my way out of school I reach for my phone's and remember Spencer took them. As I was heading towards the school gates I notice something strange there's a car which looks a lot like my brother's and a guy who looks like mentioned brother.


After today I know if imagining it.So I start walking no need to stare at something that's not there even if it was it was all a trick and he'd already humiliated her in the past. She's a block down the street when the same car stops right next to her. "Stacy (he gets out the car)..I've been trying to talk to you.You can't ignore your brother",again I'm stunned beyond words all I can manage is a humerless "Your talking to me ?" ,I manage to snort once than pull myself together."Are you sure you got the right person .'Hi I'm Stacy Blanc' " ,I wave my hand Infront of him and he just laughs. "Yeah I know who you are Stace ,you crack me up sometimes", okay now I know something's wrong his laughing at something I said and not insulting me ,when he finally stops he looks at me,"..so you wanna go grab some ice cream watch amovie with me ,you know like old times" .Again stunned ,we've never hung out together. Emphasis on EVER,now it's my turn to laugh.i luagh until it hurts and as I try to speak nothing comes out, "Okay give me a minute..",god bless his stupidity .Once I've regained myself,"..okay first we've never hung out , second why would I 'hang' out with you when the last time I trusted you ,you made a full of me ....mmmm?" . He stares at the ground and when he finally looks at me I almost see regret in his grey eyes but plain and simple I see amusement at the fact that he thinks his got me hook-line and-sinker .Oh but on the contrary brother dearest I can see right through your facade and am turning the tables. Putting on the most sincerest smile I look at him "Okay I'll give you one last chance", he pulls .e into a hug ,whata imbecile.
" Thanks Stace you don't know how much that means to me ", he squeezed me tighter ."No problem were family"
And I know your planning something, what I don't know but I'll find out.

**I hope you are enjoying this and plz give me some tips on how to make it better and what characters need work , THANKS for reading**