

I will die someday, but until then...
I am going to die someday and I know that for a fact. But until then, I am going to live. I won't hold a breath to the things that can drain the life in me. Neither would I give in to a life that doesn't serve the purpose of my stay. It might seem a little cliche, but that is the blunt truth. Men came, men passed on. As the mind pondered about the fate that succumbed the many before, my heart would leap out of my chest from time to time to see if I'm worthy of the clock. In its undertakings, the heart learned something and a few more things. It learned that the men who came and the men who passed on couldn't be satisfied with the time they had in this bubble. They all wished for a second more to recoup the limited time they thought they had. They wanted a second of mercy from the fearful fate. But kismet was never their bucket of flowers. Or is it though? Depending on how you intend to look at, I am not going to stand on ceremony and wait for my flowers. I am going to live beautifully and eventfully. I am going to love, and sometimes deceive. I am going to hurt and at times fart. I am going to achieve and at most behave. In short, I am going to do a lot of things. Letting the shackles of the mind and the body dictate every possibility of mine would be an insult to my existence. I exist, and that has to count for something. On that account, I choose life as long as my lungs are filled. I know that I am going to die someday but, for now I bask gleefully in the abundance of this grace.

© Ommie