

James the murder
In Uram city there lived a young man named James he liked socialing with others since he was young . In his life he had never ran into a fight . His parents were very proud of him but unfortunately they died when he had just finished schooling .Luckily he did not have to find a job because his parent's wealth was given to him .He lived a happy life .Until one afternoon when he was going to the store to buy some snacks .Some robbers came and threatened him to give them his money but he refused .The robbers shot with gun and he died . He woke in a dark scary place were didn't know . He spotted a man with the head of a dog.James walked over to him
James: were am l?
Anubis: in the underworld were the dead go.
James: Oh okay so what do ldo now?
Anubis : On the scale .
James did as he was instructed to .Then he heard a loud growl coming from behind him .He slowly turned his head in fear and saw a big canine .With fear he screamed ontop of his lungs and jumped on Anubis .
James was too afraid to let go.
James :You ain't gonna let that big canine hurt me are you?
Anubis :Well its not up to me if there is a balance l'll let you go but if there isn't you'll be Grom's lunch.
James: What! your kidding me right?
Anubis was getting annoyed by James so he threw him down on the scale.Luckily there was a balance
James : So l am free right ?
James : Before lgo can you grant me powers ?
Anubis : I have never been asked such a question but since your worthy yes l can grant you powers.
James:Cool, lwant to be an immortal , have super strength ,cool muscles and gaet vision .
Anubis : Very well.
Anubis just snapped his fingers and then in an instant James found himself at the exact sport he was killed. He was now muscular .As quick as a flash he stood up and headed straight home.When he arrived he thought of testing his new powers so he opened his dash board and took a dagger . He jabbed himself on the for head with the dagger . Just then there was a knock .James had forgotten that he had a dagger on his forehead so he opened to see who it was . It was Melinda his girlfriend .Melinda seeing the dagger on Jane's forehead screamed on top her lungs .James tryed to hold her hand so that she won't run away but instead he accidentally pulled her too hard that she went and hit on the T.V. She fell down and began blessing heavy . James didn't know what to do what if she had died? Then Anubis appeared .James was glad to see him .
James:Anubis! thank god you're here. is she dead
Anubis : Of course she is why do you think l came here for?
James :Oh no what have l done !
Then James began to cry.
Anubis: But i don't see the reason why you're supposed to cry you did a good thing.
Jame: Good how can killing be good ?
Anubis: Well you see, when you kill someone his or her soul goes to me and i live longer and you get more powerful , if l die you die too you know that don't you?
James: So you mean l have to kill people so that we can both stay alive?
Anubis : Yep thats right .
James : OK l promise to kill as much people as l can.
Anubis : Good.
Anubis took the dead boby of Melinda and disappeared. So from that day on James would kill anyone he saw no matter how old or how important the person was to him .The only thing that was now important to him was his life.

© jackt