

A letter to myself
Hi you. How are you? It has been years I have been in touch with you. I know I was your best friend back then. I am sorry to leave you in that awful manner. I left you alone to cry and face the storms, when you were not ready for it. You see after all I was lost and you were so busy back then pleasing others, you perhaps forgot getting me back. However, I am back now and I am so happy to see how brave and bold you are.

You were brave to step in to overcome dark tunnels with no light, inspite of the fact that you fear in dark. Yes, you had done great. I felt lonely when you left me for the world but I am happy that now you know my importance and have struggled to get me back. I am happy to be with you now because when we are together nothing is a barrier. O Yes, i forgive you, i forgive you for ill treating me, my soul my body for someone who never loved you. But, its great to see that you are back.

In case no one told you, i want to say you that we are enough. We don't need fashion and style to be us. We just need US to be US. I want to say, even though it's been a long time since I met you, you are still beautiful. I know what you will say. You will say you are fat, with dark circles underneath your eyes, with pores and inflammation in your skin. Still, i want to say you, even though you are imperfect, thank goodness, you are you, the nice soul whom I loved, years before I was lost. Good to see, that those fierce storms with grave impact and unhealed scars have not changed you in a way that I would hate returning back. Thank God and you for that.

I know lately you miss people whom once you have chosen over your self worth. That's okay. Feel good to feel that you loved, rarest of what people really do these days. It's okay to not feel okay and it's okay not to find answers to your questions and it's okay not to open up sometimes.

Listen, now that you have me, believe me, one day this too will pass. One day everything will be okay. Have patience. Walk through the tunnel even if you are not sensing light. Believe me, it's there and only patience is the key to unlock that light and I know you can. Don't fear I am right here whenever you need me. Trust me I won't betray you. Just close your eyes and you can see me.

Trust on our manufacturer too. HE has done a great job and had put much effort in building that nice soul you have. Protect it, guard it against situations.

You know, people say you should forget past. No never. Your past is your lesson, your experience and no matter how small it may look through people's eyes, that's your asset.

Hey, don't look so sad. I know it's been months you have met me. I know you missed me. Cry enough, don't hold back.However, promise me to get up the next moment as we have much things to do and no time to waste being sad. I know we are still in the tunnel and we still don't see the light. No need to remind me. Still, listen closely, feel your heartbeat, see, you are living, so there is no question of giving up. Everything happens for a reason and we must work hard to get that reason.

C'mmon dude. Let's hurry up. Hear, life is calling us. Don't be lazy now. It will fade away if we don't start, if we don't start loving each other, trees, lakes, ponds and humans(however selfish they are... Lol). Let's get back before it fades away... Let's live and not mere exist before it fades away, let's lit other lives before it fades away, let's make memories with it before it fades away and.... Let's live before we regret our chance... 😉😉😉😉

With much love,
From ME.....
To ME..