

My Life Is Destroyed
I grew up as a shy and lonely person. Life was between 1987 to 2005, I remember all I did, including the ones who bullied me throughout my childhood.

(As a man you are supposed to be a Alfa Predator, to be able to handle any and all issues thrown at you. For the longest time people around me thought I would turn gay or be a punching bag or commit suicide before 17).

But bullies did something different to me, instead of pushing me overboard they changed me into a Guardian, A Protector of the Weak and the Innocent.

From 1997 to 2001 I trained in MMA, in Bujikan, Muay Tai & Karate. After 911 my life altered. I became more passive aggressive and more hostile towards specific replies. I was kicked from school because my Birthday fell on 911.

My brother died in Tower A & my mentor died trying to save someone after the towers fell. My world shaped differently. But I wasn't about to let it effect me.

In 2005, my wife & son died in a car accident & then life happened. By losing my shit & having an over protective parent can be more bad than good. How?

Everything I said I wanted to do for a Career, my mom found was to ruin my future even though I Didnt know it would effect me in the long run.

So she would make up stories and convince counselors and psych wards so that I would be prevented on having a good life. Minus well just put a bullet in me. Let me tell you why...

From 1997 to 2006 I spent most of my life on Psychiatric Medication and in and out of psych wards and committed a few times. I graduated HS and tried to enlist into the Marines, Airforce, Navy, Coast Guard & Army denied in each because of my psychiatric history.

I ended up going to college for 6 years just to get my Bachelors in Criminal Justice & Fire Science, Masters in Cyber Security & Associates in Business.

I was recruited from college to DynCorp International (Private Military& Security Corporation) because I spoke 4 different languages and had a ton of degrees. After telling my story, I ended up going to their Basic Training and completing their course for Combat Training.

(I ended up getting into some trouble with the law. I met with one of my moms friends and her daughter and I talked. She was too clingy and abusive so I left and went back to training, I was arrested the next day for Domestic Violence, even though nothing happened physically or emotionally. Just told her I wasnt interested and she apparently hit the mirror with her head as she said she would do if I didn't go out with her. After jail and the completion of MHC "Mental Health Court" I went back to training and completed the course).

DynCorp even tried defending me in court because a few of my instructors were there when she made her comments and said what she said to me after I denied her. . . It Didn't help.

I went over seas for a bit and came back because my mom got ill and my grandfather was dying. "Wish I never returned". A year after I returned '2018', I was wrongfully accused, charged & convicted of two crimes I didn't commit. The family & I went to play airsoft, was what my gurl at the time wanted to try out, after that day. She told the cops I shot her with a bb gun & my mom stated i strangled her "that was her abusive bf". I did 6 months in jail & had to make an ultimatum. Take the risk of being convicted and do 20 years or Plea Guilty to something I didn't do complete MHC again and leave the states for good this time and disown my family.

I plead guilty. destroyed my life in the states and my someone who I connect too. Shes always wanted to see the country, so I brought her here. Family don't know were here. But we plan on going back in a year or two after we get married.

So although My Life Is Destroyed in the US, it was reborn when I met the love of my life.

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