

Awake(chapter 8)
~ If you haven't read the chapters before this make sure to go read those first and then come back to this chapter, chapters will now be posted tuesdays and Thursday and occasionally on Saturdays~

As soon as Mom leaves I get up and go straight to my desk. I pull out my purple notebook(that was supposed to be for school but I never used it). I pull out my gel pen and open the notebook too the very first page. I lower the pen to the top of the page and write the words, "what's happeneing to me?" I decide that I'm going to try and figure out whats going on. I would tell mom but she'll just think i'm crazy or that I'm hallucinating but I'm not, I just know it! I turn back to the paper and under the title I write, "my first experience" then, " The first weird thing that happened to me was when mom went to go get the cake for my birthday today and It was like my room suddenly transformed into a hospital room. pretty weird..." Then under that I write about my second experience(which was with Rosalina, Todd, and Jackson). And then I think of it i immediately write, "Is Rosalina my enemy or my allie?" I feel like she was trying to tell me something and now that I think about she had a miserable look on her face when she I started hearing that horrible pain in my head. The question is if she was trying to tell me something, what is it? I have so much questions that need answers. Well I guess I'll talk to Rosalina later tommarow and find out what she meant by what she said. *ring ring* I jump to the sound of my phone ringing and pick up my phone. Its Emily, she's probably worried sick about me. I awnser the phone and lift it up to my ear and hear Emily, "Lydia are you okay, what happened?!" I sigh and say, "I honestly don't know." "What do you mean you dont know? I decide not to tell her the whole story, "I don't know I just started have this really bad pain in my head all of a sudden." Emily replies sounding confused, "Was it a migraine?" "I dont know mabye..." Emily let's out a sigh of relief, "Well I'm just glad your okay, I thought they did something at first. I laugh, "Well sorry that the party got canceled." "That's okay, well I'll talk to you tommarow I got some homework from school I need to do." I remember that I also have homework from school, "Ok bye." I hang up the phone and decide that I might as well get started on my work too. I unzip my bag and pull out my folder filled with homwork. Ugh this is going to be a lot to do.

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