

double identity
the sound of a car door slamming woke sherran with a start. she felt like she had stepped from the world of sleep straight into wide eyed alert wakefulness. Was she still asleep or was she awake. She lay there waiting for another noise or a sign that she wasnt dreaming.
the sound of muffled voices and keys jangling came up to her second story window. Climbing sleepily out of bed she groped her way to the window and peered through the narrow gap in the curtains. Through the canopy of the huge old Flamboyant Tree taking up most of hers and the next door garden she made out three people in the unlit doorway next door. She wondered if these were the new tenants, what a time to arrive though, Sherran looked across to the clock on her bedroom wall. Two thirty am, no-one arrived from anywhere at this time. The last flights into the small domestic air terminal had landed by 7pm, the train service no longer operated, and to arrive at this time surely must mean they departed from very far away. They seemed to be battling to get into the house. And was she mistaken but the one man looked like he was weaving unsteadily on his feet. He was drunk!!! that must be the reason he had passed out somewhere drunk and the two other men were bringing him home.
As this thought entered her mind the door seemed to have been opened and the three men, the two helping the third one, moved out of her sight. Yes it looked like her new neighbour had arrived and had enjoyed his farewell too much it seemed.
Sherran yawned and decided she would check it all out in the morning, they werent going anywhere further tonight for sure. Feeling her eyes drooping she climbed back into her cosy bed and snuggled her head as she felt the sleepiness over take her gain. Just as she drifted finally into oblivion the sound of a car door slamming and engine starting had her sitting bolt upright in her bed again. Rushing to get to the window before the car drove off she muttered as half asleep the blankets seemed to tangle her purposely in the bed. SHe got to the window in time to see the tail lights disappearing amongst the leaves of the tree. Looking to the house she saw there were some lights on in the downstairs rooms and two more upstairs.
"damn " she thought to herself now who had stayed and who had gone!!!
Fully awake now Sherran tried to peer into the lighted windows next door by leaning out of her bedroom window. But having to catch herself before she fell out of her window she frustradedly wondered if she she go out and climb up the flamboyant tree! Glaring at the tree in disgust suddenly Sherran felt a strange feeling she was being watched herself. Looking around trying to see if any of her other neighbours were out and about or where she could feel the look coming from sudenly the hairs on the back of her neck prickled as she noticed an orange glow in the dakness on the other side of the road.
Gasping she quickly drew back into her room. "Oh my gosh" she whispered to herself "there is someone watching me out there!" is it a burglar, who can it be, no-one goes out walking to smoke at this time of the morning, it must be a buglar!" Sherran rushed to her bedside to pick up her phone, "who should she phone, should she phone the police, should she phone the other neighbours, what would she say, maybe it was her imagination maybe there was no-one.
"should i check again before i phone, maybe there is no-one, maybe i am still half asleep. I need to look again"
But as she was walking back to herbedroom window Sheran realised that if the person was still there watching her then he (was it a he?) would still be there watching for her to come back to he window. SHe needed to try and see from another window. A window where he (was it a he?) wouldnt expect her. There was the bathroom window next to her bedroom and there was the landing window on the stairs. But could you see to that area from the landing? Sherran didnt think so, so the bathroom window. Lets try that. she wouldnt switch the light on or anything and if she climbed onto the toilet seat she would be able to peep through the one edge of the high rectangular window. There were no curtains as it was so high but she couldnt just pop her head up anywhere she had to do this carefully. But maybe she was going too slow, maybe the burglar was already at her front door! Oh my! Sherran just stuck her head up as far ashe could to the window. Well this wasnt very successful she thought, she could see the roof tops next door but otherwise sh was too short and couldnt see to the road. Blast! SHe climbed down again.What should se do. Go outside and creep to the wall and try and see through the gaps? No ways was she going out there at this time. Automatically she looked to her bedroom clock again. 4am, gosh where had the night gone, it was just about time for her to get up anyway. She might as well go down and make herself a morning hot lemon drink. that should calm her nerves. If she switched all her downstairs lights on then the burglar would know she was up and about. She would sit and think what to do while sipping her lemon drink. Normally she did a yoga session in the mornings but she felt too jumpy and stressed to even consider it today.
Sitting in her lounge with her mug of tea Sherrans ears strained to hear any noises from outside her windows. This was ridiculous, the sun would be rising soon then she could just go outdoors as if its what she did every day. SHe could pretend she was checking things by her car or something but could try and see nextdoor or even to where