Who Fails Truly?...
In the celestial realm, where angels resided, there was a deep sense of responsibility towards humanity. Angels were created as magnificent beings, radiant with divine light, and entrusted with various tasks. Among their duties, one of the most significant was to act as guides and protectors for humans on Earth.
Angels understood the immense importance of their roles, and they carried out their duties diligently, watching over humanity with unwavering love and dedication. They witnessed the triumphs and tribulations of humanity, the victories of compassion and the depths of despair. But as time went on, a growing concern began to weigh upon the angelic host.
The angels were aware of the all-encompassing power of God, able to unleash unlimited wrath and bring devastation if deemed necessary. They knew this wrath could be unleashed upon humanity, a wrath that would shake the very foundations of creation....
Angels understood the immense importance of their roles, and they carried out their duties diligently, watching over humanity with unwavering love and dedication. They witnessed the triumphs and tribulations of humanity, the victories of compassion and the depths of despair. But as time went on, a growing concern began to weigh upon the angelic host.
The angels were aware of the all-encompassing power of God, able to unleash unlimited wrath and bring devastation if deemed necessary. They knew this wrath could be unleashed upon humanity, a wrath that would shake the very foundations of creation....