

Who Fails Truly?...
In the celestial realm, where angels resided, there was a deep sense of responsibility towards humanity. Angels were created as magnificent beings, radiant with divine light, and entrusted with various tasks. Among their duties, one of the most significant was to act as guides and protectors for humans on Earth.

Angels understood the immense importance of their roles, and they carried out their duties diligently, watching over humanity with unwavering love and dedication. They witnessed the triumphs and tribulations of humanity, the victories of compassion and the depths of despair. But as time went on, a growing concern began to weigh upon the angelic host.

The angels were aware of the all-encompassing power of God, able to unleash unlimited wrath and bring devastation if deemed necessary. They knew this wrath could be unleashed upon humanity, a wrath that would shake the very foundations of creation. It was a terrifying thought, for they understood the depths of pain and despair that awaited humanity if God were to give in to anger.

But the angels also knew that if God's wrath were unleashed, it would not be a failure on their part. They had fulfilled their duties faithfully, offering counsel, protection, and guidance to humanity throughout the ages. They had whispered messages of hope, ignited sparks of inspiration, and intervened in times of great danger. They had done all they could to steer humanity towards the path of love, peace, and harmony.

As the angelic host gathered together, contemplating the impending storm that could engulf humanity, a sense of unity prevailed. They were not afraid of failure, for their love for humanity burned brighter than any fear. They understood that their role was to be a beacon of light, support, and encouragement to guide humanity through difficult times, but the ultimate responsibility lay with each individual, as they possessed the gift of free will.

The angels knew that humans were capable of great deeds, kindness, and compassion. They had witnessed countless acts of selflessness and witnessed the potential for immense growth and transformation within every human soul. It was this potential that allowed them to remain steadfast in their belief that humanity could overcome the darkest of storms.

Even in the face of potential wrath and destruction, the angels vowed to continue their mission of love and guidance. They promised to hold humanity's hand, to whisper words of reassurance, and to remind them of their inherent divinity. They understood that their purpose was to uplift and inspire, to nurture the divine spark within every human heart.

As they prepared for the uncertain future, the angels united their voices in a song of hope, a symphony of compassion that echoed through the heavens. They remained steadfast in their trust that love would prevail, that humanity would rise above their limitations and rediscover their true nature.

And so, the angels stood resolute, offering their unwavering support and love. Regardless of the outcome, they knew that they had not failed humanity. They would continue to shine their light, illuminating the path amidst the darkness, tirelessly reminding humanity of their potential for greatness and their connection to the divine.

For in the grand tapestry of creation, the angels understood that failure was not measured by the force of nature's wrath, but rather in the absence of love and compassion. And as long as love endured, as long as there was a glimmer of hope within the human spirit, the angels would stand firm, holding the fragile thread of humanity's hope and guiding them towards a brighter tomorrow.
© NightSwimThePoet