

First time ever Chapter 2 : Cupid

Three years ago

First day are always tough for me full of tension and anxiety. I’m starting my bachelors program today. In my family my dad was teacher and my mom is also teacher at school and my grandma and grandpa were also teachers, it’s like the tradition of my family but I want to start my own start up so I applied for bachelor of commerce.

“Devika, Breakfast is ready come downstairs” said my mom. She always worry for me after my dad died she suffers so much. I kissed my dad’s photo I don’t want to cry on my first day. I miss him on my every achievement of mine - me and my mom always visit his favourite place which is near Shiv temple near lake. I know I miss him every second.

When I was 8 years old he passed away in car accident. Even if I don’t have much moments with him but I know one thing he always loved his family no matter what always took stand for my mom. Nothing changed between me and my mom I’m not like other teenagers who make problems for their single mother.

Understanding others feeling, Honesty, Loyalty are gifts of my father for me and Strong, Emotional but smartness with intelligence are gifts of my mom but with this qualities I have one weakness trusting others easily. I’m working on it but then also I’m still on my weakness but my mom thinks it’s making me strong- I don’t know how.

I went downstairs completed my breakfast, washing dishes then I checked all my things with my mind checklist. My mind check list is my thing bottle checked, books checked, sanitary pads checked, pen box checked- all done. I know I’m in college but this is my habit I want to be perfect in every things from my academics results to my life I just want myself perfect. According to my mom I’m psycho pursuing this type of habits are not good for my health because sometimes I’m harder on myself.

My mom dropped me on college I know it’s odd but I love it when my mom and me having sometime together before starting my day.

“You know Devi, your dad is so proud of you” she said sadly.

“Come on mom I don’t want you to cry on my first day of college I know if he see you like this he will be not happy he always wants us to be happy” I said biting my inner cheek I don’t want to cry in front of her. I usually never cry in front of anyone. My mom, my grandparents including my best friend never saw me crying. According to them I cried on dad’s death.

One thing I loved about college is that I can sit in campus and can do whatever I want to do- no one can control my life, in schools almost teachers control your life but in college professors are not even worried about us this can be disadvantage to us but that is good from my point of view.

“Our first class is of Economics. GOD I always hate this economics” said my bestie Kavya. She is perfect bitch can beat anyone ass. No one is dare to take any fight with her. One time she beat some girl ass no one dare to pick fight with her. Using bad words is her morning routine. Her parents are too strict on her then also nothing stop her for being bitch. When my dad died she was the one who hug me and wipped all my tears because of her I’m that much strong. I don’t know without her what would be to live in world. Most surprising thing she is ranker of my class. No one can believe she is completely like fighting girl plus academics topper girl with CGPA 9.1. I love her more than anything she is life to me. But she is not like hook up girls. She is pure virgin like me we both are not that types of girl who can sleep with anyone.

There is still 10 minutes remaining in starting class. As usual because of me kavya has also taken first bench. I take out my book, pens and bottle arranging desk is important to me.

“SEROIUSLY DEVI! On your first day of college are you going to arrange your bench . Do you have any idea that you passed your school and now you are in college” said kavya.

“Yeah, I know” I answered her.


Before I can think someone smash on my bench his eyes were black, zed black hair and one pierced on ear his face is swelling from the beating blood on face. His eyes met mine. Butterflies flies in my stomach. There is something in that eyes that I want to know.


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